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The "Liberal" International Order: Any Room for an Illiberal Rising Power Like China?

UC Irvine Center for Global Peace & Conflict Studies hosts a discussion with Shiping Tang on the impact of China's rise in the Liberal international order.

Taiwan’s January 2012 Presidential and Legislative Elections

The Center for Strategic and International Studies hosts an event to discuss election implications for Taiwan, the United States, and cross-strait relations.

30 Years after Showa: Japan - China Relations in Uncharted Eras

The USC U.S.-China Institute presents a discussion with Akira Chiba, the Consul General of the Japanese consulate in Los Angeles, on Japan's relations with China.

The China Threat: New Facts or Old Scares?

Andrew Ross considers how and why China's economic growth has raised anxiety levels in countries like the US

Re-Imagining the Real China

Scholars discuss contemporary issues in China. 

Cold War and East Asian Cultural Politics: Chinese Perspectives

The Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies at Harvard University presents a workshop on the Cold War.

Opening Space for Civil Society in China: Can the "Soft" Power of the United States Help?

Catholic University School of Law at the National Press Club will host a discussion on US-China relations.

Fall 2008 CCS Noon Lecture Series - Mayling Birney

Professor Mayling Birney will speak on Chinese village election laws.

Neuhauser Lecture with Elizabeth Economy

The Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies presents Dr. Elizabeth Economy delivering the Neuhauser Lecture.
