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China and global governance: what have we learnt so far?

The UC Berkeley Institute of East Asian Studies will host Dr. Yves Tiberghien to discuss China and global governance.

Popular Accountability and Regime Resilience in Reform-Era China

UC Berkeley's Center for Chinese Studies presents a talk by Martin Dimitrov on the longevity of communist regimes is provided by examining their systems of popular accountability.

"China at the Crossroads? Reform Challenges," with Professor David Shambaugh

David Shambaugh, Professor of Political Science and International Affairs and Director of the China Policy Program at George Washington University, gives a talk on China's modern reform challenges.

Political Reform in China

Rice University's James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy will host a panel discussion about political reform in China.

Taiwan Roundtable - Taiwan and the Diaoyutai Islands: Historical and Regional Perspectives

George Washington University hosts a discussion on the uses of history in competing claims over the Diaoyutai Islands.

Cars, Currency, and Conflict:Three Issues Concerning Today’s China and How They Are Connected

Timothy Grose, a doctoral student at Indiana University, will host a discussion on cars, currency, and conflict. He will illustrate how all three element affect current economic conditions in China.

Urban Governance and Citizen Rights in China and India

The Kissinger Institute on China at the Woodrow Wilson Center presents a talk by Xuefei Ren on the evolution of urban governance in China and India from the 18th century to the present.

Webcast: Building the post 1949 state in China and Taiwan

Please join the USC U.S.-China Institute for an online talk with Julia Strauss on her new book, which focuses on the period 1949 to 1954 and compares how the Communist Party in China and the Nationalist Party in Taiwan sought to consolidate their authority and foster economic development.

Conflicts of Interest: Art and War in Modern Japan

The Saint Louis Art Museum presents an exhibition following Japan's rise as a military power through the Russo-Japanese war.
