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Hidden Histories: the Libretto for Nixon in China

The Confucius Institute at the University of Oregon presents a talk with Theodore Foss.

Brazil and China: A Developing Partnership?

Join the Brazil Initiative at the George Washington University Elliot School of International Affairs for a conversation on the growing partnership between Brazil and China.

ChinaFile Presents: The New Yorker on China

Join ChinaFile and five writers—Orville Schell, Peter Hessler, Evan Osnos, Zha Jianying, and Jiayang Fan—for a look back at their four decades of reporting on China for The New Yorker. The event will be moderated by David Remnick, Editor of The New Yorker.

Current Challenges to US-China Relations

The Center for Chinese Studies at UC Berkeley presents a talk with Dr. Cui Liru, former president of China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations

Empress Dowager Cixi: Selections from the Summer Palace

Bowers Museum presents an exhibition about Empress Dowager Cixi (1835-1908), the first of its kind in the United States to explore the empress dowager’s roles beyond politics. (Exhibition dates: November 12, 2017- March 11, 2018)

Taiwan's Claim to Statehood Re-Examined

University of Ottawa's, Phil C. W. Chan examines the legal status of Taiwan and the political tensions between China and the United States.

Coffee & Conversation with Jeremy Haft

Meet Jeremy Haft for a discussion of his second book on China entitled, “Unmade in China: The Hidden Truth about China's Economic Miracle." Jeremy will share his insights on their economy and relate it to the media coverage of President Xi Jinping’s visit to DC this month.

The Origins and Dynamics of Crony Capitalism in China: Insights from 260 Cases of Collusive Corruption with Professor Minxin Pei

The Sigur Center for Asian Studies presents Professor Minxin Pei on the emergence of crony capitalism within the corruption of the post-Tiananmen era.

Webcast: Building the post 1949 state in China and Taiwan

Please join the USC U.S.-China Institute for an online talk with Julia Strauss on her new book, which focuses on the period 1949 to 1954 and compares how the Communist Party in China and the Nationalist Party in Taiwan sought to consolidate their authority and foster economic development.

"Chairman Mao Can Vote and So Can We": A history of Elections as State-Building Rituals in Twentieth Century China

The discussion examines the role of elections in 20th Century China as a ritual rather than a right.
