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Berkeley-Stanford Graduate Student Conference in Modern Chinese Humanities

The 8th annual Berkeley-Stanford Graduate Student Conference in Modern Chinese Humanities focuses on modern Chinese cultural production.

Conversation with Ma Ying-Jeou, Former President of Taiwan

CPD Conversations in Public Diplomacy CPD is pleased to host Dr. Ma Ying-jeou, former president of Taiwan (2008-2016), for a conversation on cross-strait relations and the vital role of commerce, exchanges and tourism in forging new relationships between mainland China and Taiwan after nearly 60 years of tensions, including the historic meeting between the leaders of mainland China and Taiwan in Singapore on November 7, 2015. Introduction by C. L. Max Nikias, president of the University of Southern California.

New U.S. Tax Regulations in China and Asia

The China Institute in New York City will hold a panel discussion on U.S. tax regulations in China and Asia.

Political Development in China: The Role of Civil Society

Indiana University's Research Center for Chinese Politics and Business presents a talk by Professor Chu Songyan.

China's Crisis of Political Morality: Diagnosis and Reconstruction

The University of California, Berkeley Institute of East Asian Studies will host Professor of Political Science Lowell Dittmer to discuss public morality in China.

One Belt, One Road: Remaking Eurasia

The UC Berkeley Institute of East Asian Studies will host a panel of political science and economics scholars to discuss the "One Belt, One Road" plan, its goals, and its potential effects with delegates from the Consulate General of the PRC - SF.

Taiwan’s China Dilemma

The Columbia University Weatherhead East Asian Institute will host the event, "Taiwan's China Dilemma," featuring a discussion with Syaru Shirley Lin.

After ECFA: The Present and Future of Cross-Strait Relations

With an Address by Minister Shin-Yuan Lai, Director of Taiwan's Mainland Affairs Council

Film Screening: Lessons in Dissent

The Stanford University Center for East Asian Studies presents a documentary screening by Matthew Torne on "Lessons in Dissent," which tells the story of a generation of Hong Kongers dedicated to creating a new more democratic Hong Kong.
