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Humanities West Preview Lecture: The Power and Glory of China's Ming Dynasty

The Orinda Library in Orinda, CA presents a discussion with George Hammond.

Third Annual Columbia China Prospects Conference

The Third Annual Columbia China Prospects Conference, "Leadership in Transition - China for Further Reform" is a two-day program featuring 9 panel discussions, 50 speakers, 800 participants, a VIP dinner and career fair.

What Next? Trump and Asia

Join the Harvard University Asia-related Centers for the first in a new series on the Asia-Pacific during Trump’s presidency.

USC Law Conference

Pannelists discuss application competition policy in accordance to technology and IP licensing. 

News and Stories from China

Yiyun Li, Assistant Professor of English at UC Davis, will host a talk in continuation of the IEAS book series: New Perspectives in Asia.

Assessing the Results of Taiwan’s Election

Please join The Heritage Foundation and Global Taiwan Institute on the Monday after the Taiwan election to assess the results.

A Century of Unique Friendship between Republic of China and the United States

Vice Foreign Minister Shen will reflect on the century-long relationship between the Republic of China and the United States and address the future prospects and challenges of this relationship at Stanford University.

U.S.-China Relations Year In Review: 2013: The Year of the Snake, Sunnylands, and Suppression (and a Plenum and an ADIZ)

There are no dull years in U.S.-China relations, but 2013 has kept China watchers busier, more concerned, more entertained, and more relevant than most. Please join us for a look at the year that was, and a preview of what 2014 (the Year of the Horse) may have in store for the world's most important bilateral relationship.

The Dictator's Dilemma: The Chinese Communist Party's Strategy for Survival

Many observers predicted the collapse of the Chinese Communist Party following the Tiananmen Square crackdown in 1989, and again following the seri

Dreams of Shanshui: Negotiating Landscape Aesthetics in China's Environmental Modernization

UC Berkeley Center for Chinese Studies hosts a talk with Andrea Riemenschnitter
