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The Political Impact of New Media in China

The UCLA Center for Chinese Studies presents a talk by Anne-Marie Brady on the impact of the continuing evolution of new media on governance in China as well as elite political dynamics.

Speech and Media Freedom - New Lessons of the Umbrella Revolution

The Weatherhead East Asian Institute at Columbia University will host Margaret Ng for a talk on the implications of the Umbrella Revolution for media and free speech.

Victims and Patriots: Disaggregating Nationalism in China

The Foreign Policy Research Institute hosts a talk by Bruce Dickson on the various factors that influence nationalism and what they imply for China's nationalist movements.

Charm Offensive: How China's Soft Power is Transforming the World

In Charm Offensive, Joshua Kurlantzick examines how China's soft power is reshaping the world. With growing support from nations in Africa, Latin America, and Southeast Asia, China could become the first nation since the fall of the Soviet Union seriously to challenge the U.S. for control of the international system.

EASC Special Event - 6th Annual China Town Hall

CHINA Town Hall: Local Connections, National Reflections, is a national day of programming designed to provide Americans across the United States and beyond the opportunity to discuss these issues with leading experts.

The Value of Values: Reconsidering the Role of Human Rights in U.S.-China Relations

The Wilson Center Kissinger Institute hosts a panel discussion of the role of human rights in U.S.-China relations.

What’s Next in the US-China Economic Relationship?

The USC U.S.-China Institute and the USC Center on Transnational Law and Business look at what might be the aims of the next administration by focusing on technology, trade and investment ties.

Festschrift in Honor of John E. Wills, Jr.

This event is dedicated to the remarkable career of Professor Emeritus John "Jack" E. Wills, Jr. and the contributions he has made to the academic field in History and to the University of Southern California. Friends, colleagues, and students of Professor Wills will present articles and papers related to his research, leading to a publication in his honor.

China's Century? Beijing's Rocky Road to Great Power Status: A Talk by Martin Jacques

On February 7, 2013, the Transatlantic Academy will host a lunch discussion with Martin Jacques, author of When China Rules the World, from 12:30 pm – 2:00 pm.

Meet the Filmmaker: A Touch of Sin

The Smithsonian Freer Sackler Museum presents a screening of A Touch of Sin followed by a talk with director Jia Zhang-ke
