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Chen Shui-bian, “Taiwan Stands Up: Presidential Inauguration Address,” May 20, 2000

May 20, 2000

The following is an English translation of the inauguration speech by ROC President Chen Shui-bian, 05/20/2000.

Additional Articles to the Constitution of the Republic of China Sixth Revision April 24, 2000

April 24, 2000

Articles One through Eleven were adopted by the fifth session of the Third National Assembly on 24 April 2000 in a Sixth Revision of the Constitution, and promulgated by the president on 25 April 2000. These Articles replaced the Eleven Additional Articles adopted in the 1997 Fourth Revision, which had remained in effect after the Council of Grand Justices declared the articles adopted by the Fifth Revision of 1999 void.

Bill Clinton, “Letter to Congress Advocating Granting China Permanent Normal Trade Relations,” March 8, 2000

March 8, 2000

President Clinton made his remarks at the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies.

Soman, Double-Edged Sword: Nuclear Diplomacy in Unequal Conflicts: The United States and China, 1950-1958, 2000

January 1, 2000

Thomas Breslin reviews the book for H-Diplo, January 2001, credit H-Asia.

Ma and Ortolano, Environmental Regulation in China: Institutions, Enforcement, and Compliance, 2000

December 31, 1999

Robert Marks reviews the book for H-Environment, August 2000, credit H-Net.

Shambaugh, Is China Unstable? Assessing the Factors, 2000

December 31, 1999

Roger Chapman review the book for H-US-Japan, October 2002, credit H-Asia.

Concerning the Participation of Taiwan in the World Health Organization (WHO) 1999

December 7, 1999

H.R. 1794 became Public Law 106-137 on 7 December 1999.

Democratic Progressive Party White Paper on China Policy for the 21st Century 1999

November 30, 1999

The Republic of China's (Taiwan's) Democratic Progressive Party's white paper on China Policy from 1999.
