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Human rights

China Institute

This two-week institute on China will focus on Chinese philosophy, history and cultural traditions and contemporary issues concerning the environment, politics and socio-economic development.

The Broken Promises of China's WTO

This hearing will explore the interconnectivity between a China that honors its varied international commitments and abides by the rule of law at home—gleaning lessons from the past 30 years of U.S.-China relations.

China in 1989 and 2015: Tiananmen, Human Rights, and Democracy

The Congressional Executive Commission on China announces a hearing that willexamine Chinese authorities’ treatment of democracy, human rights, and anticorruption advocates in 1989 and 2015, and ask if China under Xi Jinping has made progress toward respecting the universal freedoms of speech, assembly, and association—the very principles which animated the 1989 Tiananmen protest 26 years ago.

The Discursive Art of China's Colonialism: Reconfiguring Tibetan and State Identities

Lecture by Dawa T. Lokyitsang (PhD candidate of cultural anthropology, University of Colorado, Boulder).

Putting Their Lives on the Line: Charter 08's Wake Up Call for China and America

The Defense Forum Foundation presents a discussion by Dr. Yang Jianli on the various foreign policy options that Charter 08 presents for the United States and the western democracies.

China's Power: Up for Debate (2nd Annual ChinaPower Conference)

The Center for Strategic and International Studies presents the second annual ChinaPower conference focusing on the issues that underpin Chinese power.

Film Screening: DNA Dreams

Part of the film series "Being Human in a Biotech Age," the University of California, Berkeley hosts a screening of DNA Dreams

The PRC Re-education Gulag: Repression, Assimilation and Islamophobia in the Name of Tianxia Harmony

The UCLA Center for Chinese Studies presents a talk by James A. Millward on the internment of indigenous peoples in China.

Democratic Transitions: Conversations with World Leaders

UCLA International Institute hosts a book talk with USC's Abraham Lowenthal.
