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Human rights

Human Rights and Big Power Relations

Two top Chinese scholars will speak at CSU Northridge to address human rights issues and to carry on the dialogue on the "New Big Power Relationships" between the U.S. and China.

Dissidents Who Have Suffered for Human Rights in China: A Look Back and A Look Forward

The Congressional-Executive commission on China will host a hearing on Dissidents Who Have Suffered for Human Rights in China: A Look Back and A Look Forward.

Tibet and the Politics of Exile in the New Millennium

Samdhong Rinpoche, Tibetan Prime Minister in Exile, discusses Tibetan politics.

Speech and Media Freedom – New Lessons of the Umbrella Revolution

Margaret Ng, Barrister and Former Legislative Council Member, HKSAR
Moderated by Ben Liebman, Robert L. Lieff Professor of Law, Columbia Law School; Director, Center for Chinese Legal Studies

China Institute

This two-week institute on China will focus on Chinese philosophy, history and cultural traditions and contemporary issues concerning the environment, politics and socio-economic development.

The Discursive Art of China's Colonialism: Reconfiguring Tibetan and State Identities

Lecture by Dawa T. Lokyitsang (PhD candidate of cultural anthropology, University of Colorado, Boulder).

Screening: We the Workers

The USC U.S.-China Institute presents a screening of the film We the Workers 凶年之畔, which follows labor activists over a six-year period as they find common ground with workers, helping them negotiate with local officials and factory owners over wages and working conditions. The screening will be followed a Q&A with Han Dongfang, founder and director of the China Labour Bulletin. 

Putting Their Lives on the Line: Charter 08's Wake Up Call for China and America

The Defense Forum Foundation presents a discussion by Dr. Yang Jianli on the various foreign policy options that Charter 08 presents for the United States and the western democracies.

Aynne Kokas on Trafficking Data

Join us for Aynne Kokas's discussion of the global battle for control over and use of the personal and institutional data we create every day.
