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Human rights

Tiananmen Square Document 7: Memorandum of Conversation, George Bush Meeting with Wan Li, 1989

May 23, 1989

This document, a heavily excised summary transcript of their conversation, indicates that the subject of the student demonstrations did come up at their meeting. (May 23, 1989)

President Bush's Remarks at Chongmenwen Christian Church in Beijing, 1989

February 26, 1989

The President spoke at 8:30 a.m. during morning prayer services. In his opening remarks, he referred to the Reverends Kan Xueqing, Shi Zesheng, and Yin Jiceng.

Tiananmen Square Document 6: IPAC Daily Intelligence Summary 10-87, China: Hu Yaobang Resigns, 1987

January 17, 1987

The summary notes that Hu’s resignation "is probably the result of the recent student demonstrations." (January 17, 1987)

Tiananmen Square Document 2: Cable, Government Arrests Student Demonstrators, 1985

November 25, 1985

In the cable, Embassy officials report information gleaned from an unidentified source that Chinese security forces have detained more than 100 students and arrested 23 suspected "ringleaders" involved in the demonstration. (November 25, 1985)

Statement from the Taiwan Inter-Church Consultation 1985

October 9, 1985

October 9, 1985 Statement from the Republic of China's Inter-Church Consultation (from the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan).

President Reagan's Remarks to Chinese Community Leaders in Beijing, China, 1984

April 27, 1984

President Reagan was the first American President to address China from the Great Hall of the People.

A Declaration on Human Rights by the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan 1977

August 16, 1977

August 16, 1977 declaration on human rights from Taiwan's Presbyterian Church

Our Appeal Concerning the Bible, the Church and the Nation by the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan 1975

November 18, 1975

Revised English translation of the Report of the Conference on Church and Society (15-18 September 1975) sponsored by the Committee on World Church Relations of the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan. Our Appeal was adopted unanimously by the Executive Committee of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan on 18 November 1975 expressing the position of the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan.

Statement on our National Fate by the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan - Motivation Based on Faith and Theology 1972

March 1, 1972

March 1972 statement on Taiwan's national fate provided by the Presbyterian Church in the Republic of China

Statement on our National Fate by the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan 1971

December 29, 1971

December 19, 1971 Taiwan's Presbyterian Church provides a statement on the ROC's "national fate".
