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Knowledge of and Vulnerability to Climate Change among Pastoralists in Central Tibet

The UCLA Asia Institute hosts a talk by Emily Yeh to discuss findings about Tibetan pastoralists’ knowledge of climate change, as well as factors leading to vulnerability to climate change, based on an interdisciplinary project conducted in Nagchu, in the northern part of the Tibet Autonomous Region, PRC.

Global Choke Point: Confronting Energy Demand and Water Scarcity in China and the United States

China's soaring economy, fueled by an unyielding appetite for coal, is threatened by the country's steadily diminishing freshwater reserves. The United States faces similar water-energy confrontations—over millions of gallons of water are taken from ranchers to develop the deep oil and gas shale reserves of the west and there are battles between Georgia and Florida over diminishing drinking water reserves. Global Choke Point, though, is not necessarily a narrative of doom and gloom. The presentations will examine both the challenges and opportunities presented by these looming choke points.

Assessing the Impacts of China’s Ongoing Agricultural Modernization Reform Push

University of Washington East Asia Center hosts a talk with Ross Doll on the impacts of China's agricultural modernization.

China’s Threatened Waters: Video Series Screening and Discussion on Wetland Destruction and Other Vulnerable Waterways in China

The Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in Washington, D.C. presents a video series discussion.

Water and Land: Changing Landscapes and Diminishing Resources in China

The Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies at Harvard University presents a talk "Water and Land: Changing Landscapes and Diminishing Resources in China" by Ling Zhang on Tuesday, March 24, 2015, 1:15pm to 9:00pm.

Increasing Oil Demand in China-Rising Risks and International Consequences

Columbia University's Elizabeth Wishnick will be speaking at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars.

Confronting Climate Change: What Can the U.S. and Japan Contribute to Creating Sustainable Societies?

A discussion circling around the recent natural disasters in our world and how the U.S., China and Japan must contribute to the future of sustainable change. 

China's Coming Water Crisis

One dilemma shared by both China and California is the increased scarcity of water owing to poor resource management and climate change. Dai Qing, one of China's most remarkable public intellectuals and a long-time activist on environmental issues, will explore how China's coming water crisis will affect its economic and political future.
