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Josh Goldstein's Remains of the Everyday Earns Top Honor from the Association for Asian Studies

The Association for Asian Studies has selection USC historian Joshua Goldstein's 2021 book, Remains of the Everyday: A Century of Recycling in Beijing (University of California Press), as the top work on post-1900 China. Prof. Goldstein will receive the Joseph Levenson Prize at the AAS annual conference in Boston in March. He spoke about the book in for a virtual USCI event in January 2021 (USCI website | YouTube channel). He also gave a featured talk in 2013 on China's international recycling trade (USCI website | YouTube channel). At the time of his presentation, policies were already changing and in 2018, China began rejecting most plastics for recycling. Prof. Goldstein was also a commentator on urbanization trends at our China's Growing Pains conference in 2016. You may also wish to visit the companion website he created for the book. It includes many pictures of places and issues he addresses in Remains of the Everyday.

