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ChinaFile Presents: Documentary Films From China

In collaboration with the News and Documentary program at the NYU Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute, ChinaFile, the online magazine of Asia Society’s Center on U.S.-China Relations, will present a public screening and discussion of two films by young directors from China.

Screening: The Seal of Love (CAFF 2011)

The 2011 Chinese American Film Festival presents a screening of The Seal of Love.

Silk Fabrics of the Golden Horde: Historical, Cultural and Ideological Aspects

The UCLA Asia Institute presents a talk with Dr. Zvezdana Dode of Stavropol State University, Russia, who will present her identification of the Mongol garment found at Guva-2, and her observations on the origin of the Christian embroidery found on it.

A Chinese View of the Restoration of China-US Ties

Please join the US-China Institute for the screening of Between China and the U.S., a documentary series on China-U.S. relations. After the screening, director and filmmaker Gu Jun will discuss the film with the audience. 

Exploring Music in China's New African Diaspora - An Innovative U.S.-China Team Research Project

The Mansfield Freeman Center for East Asian Studies hosts a discussion with the team, lead by Professor Su Zheng, that is researching the impact of music in China's African Diaspora

Chicken Poets

The Asian Pacific Studies Institute at Duke University will screen Chicken Poets, a deliberately allegorical visual fantasy that focuses on the 30-something generation in China who have to adapt to a materialistic society very different from the political utopia of their childhood.

No Sweat

The Honolulu Museum of Art presents an exhibition on the way textiles promoting healthful living in East Asia.

Cultural Heritage and Identity:Comparing Mainland China and Hongkong

The Center for East Asian Studies presents a lecture by Jung-a Chang on the recent movement to protect cultural heritage and traditional culture in China.

Mutually Beneficial Upgrading? China's Changing Relationship with Developed Country Manufacturing Multinationals

The Center for East Asian Studies at the University of Chicago presents a workshop with Gary Herrigel.

Screening - Iron Moon: The Poetry of Chinese Migrant Workers 我的诗篇

The USC U.S.-China Institute presents a screening of "Iron Moon: The Poetry of Chinese Migrant Workers," a documentary following Chinese workers who use poetry as a tool to express the hidden life stories and experiences of people living at the bottom of the society. The film is in Chinese with English subtitles.
