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ICS Lecture: Yun Shen, "On the Origins and Developmental History of Ethnic Groups in China"

The Ohio State University Institute for Chinese Studies presents the "China and the International Mediasphere" Lecture Series. In this presentation, Visiting Scholar Yun Shen will give a general introduction to the studies of the history of ethnic groups in China.

A Billion Urban Chinese by 2025

The East Asia Center at the University of Washington presents a talk by Setty Pendakur on China's population growth.

Creating the Digital Cave

Artist Jason Salavon and F|S curator Keith Wilson discuss the fascinating process of creating the Digital Cave, an immersive video installation featured in the exhibition Echoes of the Past at the Smithsonian Institute.

The Soul of China: The Return of Religion After Mao

Duke University will host Ian Johnson to discuss his book The Souls of China: The Return to Religion After Mao.

The Poetics of Communication: A Study on the Shibaoshan Song Fair of the Bai People in Southwest China

The Institute for Chinese Studies presents the "China in Transition" Lecture Series with Gang Zhu, Visiting Scholar at the Harvard-Yenching Institute.

A Possible Buddhist Influence on Chinese Political Thought

The Stanford Ho Center for Buddhist Studies hosts a talk by Tim H. Barrett on how Buddhist traditions might have influenced the Chinese tradition of political thought.

A Grand Canal (大运河)

The 2014 Los Angeles Asian Pacific Film Festival presents A Grand Canal (大运河, a history film directed by Johnny Ma.

The China Price: The True Cost of Chinese Competitive Advantage

Alexandra Harney from the Financial Times will be discussing her new book The China Price.

The Changing Roles of U.S., Australia, China and India in the South Pacific

Breakfast with The Honorable C. Steven McGann
U.S. Ambassador to Fiji, Kiribati, Nauru, Tonga and Tuvalu

The New People in the People’s Republic: Protesters in Housing Disputes in Urban China, 1980-2010

In this project, Professor Qin Shao examines urban protestors and their evolving identities by exploring what was demolished in old neighborhoods and what, besides highrises, has risen in their ruins.
