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Seminar Details
Standard seminar

China and the World (Tuesdays, Jan. 31 - Feb. 28, 2023)

China and the World (Tuesdays, Jan. 31 - Feb. 28, 2023)

China’s rise has already reshaped our world and its influence continues to grow. Many welcome this. Some worry about it. K-12 educators are encouraged to learn more about China and its global reach in this five week online course. It is aimed at equipping teachers to bring more about these vital developments into their own classrooms.

The online seminar includes:

  • Recorded video lectures & readings

  • Mandatory online forum participation

  • Tuesday discussions (5-6 pm Pacific Time) with Clayton Dube via Zoom



Educators completing all course requirements can receive 3 USC Rossier School of Education continuing education units ($35/unit) or a certificate of completion (no charge).

This course is open only to K-12 educators. There is no charge to take the course. Reading assignments and recorded lectures for each week will be available in an online forum and are to be completed prior to the discussion sessions. Access and log-in information will be provided upon acceptance into the course. Seminar requirements include timely participation in the web forum (including 150-word film and website reviews), active participation in each discussion session, creation of a lesson plan to incorporate part of what is covered in the course into your own course and a short essay reflecting on how the seminar affected your thinking or teaching about China and the world.

*Must complete seminar requirements



Planned topics:






January 31st


China at the Center - historical and contemporary perceptions



  February 7th


Many Actors and Venues as "China" Engages the World



  February 14th


China and the Global Economy



February 21st


China and Our Shared Environment



February 28th

China and Regional and Global Security



Clayton Dube, University of Southern California

This course is offered in cooperation with the National Consortium for Teaching about China and is made possible by the generous support of the Freeman Foundation. Complete the registration form below to apply.