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Obesity, Weight Perception & Socio-Cultural Factors in Chinese Adolescents

In May 2006 at the USC School of Social Work, Assistant Professor Bin Xie presented Obesity, Weight Perception & Socio-Cultural Factors in Chinese Adolescents.  He discusses patterns of weight perception and the socio-demographic and socio-cultural determinants of weight as well the prevalence of obesity and fat distribution in teenagers.  One of his findings states that girls tend to rate themselves as overweight and boys rate themselves as underweight. 

Xie joined the School of Social Work in 2005 after receiving a Ph.D. in preventive medicine from the University of Southern California. A biostatistician, he provides statistical consultation for faculties, staffs and graduate students and assists with study design and analysis of several randomized clinical trials and other ongoing projects in mental health.

His research interests focus on application of statistical analysis approaches in epidemiological and prevention research and investigation of health and risk behaviors related to obesity prevention and tobacco control in adolescents. Dr. Xie has been involved in several projects funded by NCI, NIMH and NIDA to evaluate intervention effects of multi-site randomized clinical trials on depression treatment for cancer patients and school-based programs on tobacco control, nutrition intervention and health promotion in adolescents, to describe the growth trajectory patterns of gateway drug use from adolescence to the early adulthood and to investigate the role of socioeconomic and lifestyle factors in obesity and smoking prevention in adolescents. He has published and presented his research findings in peer-reviewed journals and at regional and international conferences. Dr. Xie has served as a reviewer for the American Journal of Health Behavior, International Journal of Obesity, Pediatrics, Preventive Medicine, Obesity Research and the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
