In China there are 316 million people between the ages of 15 and 30. In the U.S., there are 66 million. In what ways are they similar? How do they differ?
What’s on the minds of millennials (八零后和九零后一代) in China and America? What are their hopes and worries? At this symposium, we’ll be exploring the aspirations of young Chinese and Americans with regard to school, work, romance, and life. What are their attitudes toward gender and generational roles? What obligations do they feel towards their own dreams, toward their families, their friends, their employers, and their communities? What does how they spend their time and money signal about their priorities?
Watch the video presentations of leading researchers, businesspeople and journalists about these and other questions.
Panel 1: Understanding and Reaching Millennial Consumers
Clayton Dube 杜克雷, Outline of the Future
Harry Hui 许智伟, Connecting with Millennials
Chen Yougang 陈有钢, Millennial Consumers
Panel 2: Love and Marriage Among Millennials
Julie Albright, Online Love
Chen Binbin 陈斌斌, Dating and Marriage among Shanghai's '80s Generation
Panel 3: Teaching, Entertaining, and Working with Chinese Millennials
Ching-ching Ni 倪青青, Training and Working with Millennials
Stanley Rosen 骆思典, Western Culture and Chinese Youth
Pannel 4: Rethinking Parenthood?
Shen Yifei 沈奕斐, 'Hot Mom:' Motherhood, Feminism, and Asserting One's Individuality in China
Shen Ke 沈可, Young Shanghai Couples and Childbearing
Luncheon Keynote
Glenn Osaki, Business Citizenship: Connecting Business Needs and Millennials Expectations
#MillennialMinds was organized by the USC U.S.-China Institute 南加州大学美中学院 and co-sponsored by the USC Alumni Club of Shanghai 上海的南加州大学校友会.