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Event Details
April 22, 2021
Public Talk

Is China Going Green?


Photograph by IMAGINECHINA via AP

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China is the leading emitter of greenhouse gasses, but has also become a major investor in green technologies. It is among the biggest producers of renewable energy. The country has sought to address not just air pollution and climate change, but also water and soil pollution. Gathering and utilizing data is a big part of China's environmental protection efforts. We are delighted to welcome two prominent observers of these efforts to discuss the use of data in making and implementing Chinese environmental laws and policies as well as what data trends actually show about the impact of these efforts.

Genia Kostka is Professor of Chinese Politics at the Freie Universität Berlin. Her research focuses on China’s digital transformation, environmental politics and political economy. Her most recent research project explores how digital technologies are integrated into local decision-making and governance structures in China (ERC Starting Grant 2020-2025). She has a PhD in Development Studies from the University of Oxford, an MA with specializations in International Economics and International Development from SAIS Johns Hopkins University and a BSc in International Relations from the London School of Economics and Political Science. Her work has appeared in leading area studies and social science journals including Comparative Political Studies, Regulation & Governance, Environmental Politics, New Media & Society, and The China Quarterly, Alongside her academic work, she regularly consults for international organizations, including the World Bank, OECD, AusAID, GIZ, and Oxfam.

Angel Hsu is an Assistant Professor of Public Policy and the Environment, Ecology and Energy Program (E3P). She is also Founder and Director of the Data-Driven EnviroLab, an interdisciplinary research group that innovates and applies quantitative approaches to pressing environmental issues. Her research explores the intersection of science and policy and the use of data-driven approaches to understand environmental sustainability, particularly in the areas of climate change and energy, urbanization and air quality. Focusing particularly on China and the Global South, Dr. Hsu has provided expert testimony to the US-China Economic Security and Review Commission and is a member of the National Committee on US-China Relations and a Public Intellectual Program Fellow. In addition to publishing in academic journals, Dr. Hsu has been committed to public outreach and was a TED 2018 Age of Amazement Speaker and recognized as an inaugural Grist 50 leader. She holds a PhD in Environmental Policy from Yale University, an MPhil in Environmental Policy from the University of Cambridge, and a BS in Biology and BA in Political Science from Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, NC.