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Zhang, "An integrative model of subjective well-being: Culture, personality, and demographics," 2004

USC Dissertation in Culture.
August 24, 2009

Jin Zhang, Ph.D.

Abstract (Summary)
The relations among demographics, personality, culture, and subjective well-being (SWB) were examined with 742 individuals. Three hundred ninety four were from Los Angeles, CA and 348 were from Mainland China. Subjects ranged in age from 17 to 39 years ( M = 22.3, SD = 5.17). Diener's (1985) Satisfaction With Life Scale and Lu's (1997) Chinese Happiness Inventory were found to be reliable and valid in measuring SWB in the Chinese group. The results revealed a three-factor model of SWB (cognition, positive and negative affect). However, there were different factor structures for the American and Chinese groups. A structural equation model supported an integrative model of SWB in which personality and culture functioned as the predictor variables. The findings suggest the measurement model of SWB is a reliable and valid construct in the two cultural groups that were sampled. The multivariate data analysis provides a better understanding of subjective well-being and the association with other variables.

Advisor: Farver, Jo Ann
