Annette Kim teaches at the USC Price School of Public Policy, where she also directs the Spatial Analysis Laboratory. The lab specializes in data visualizations to add researchers and policy makers in designing and governing more inclusive and humane cities. Kim’s own research experiments with ways to recover data of overlooked peoples and phenomenon by incorporating fieldwork and humanities knowledge into spatial analysis. She’s published books and articles on Vietnam, Taiwan and Eastern Europe. In recent years, Kim has carried out pioneering work on China’s rental housing markets, including Beijing’s large underground market.
This video is also available on the USCI YouTube Channel.

Clayton Dube 杜克雷 has headed the USC U.S.-China Institute since it was established by USC President C.L. Nikias in 2006 to focus on the multidimensional U.S.-China relationship. USCI enhances understanding of complex and evolving U.S.-China ties through cutting-edge social science research, innovative graduate and undergraduate training, extensive and influential public events, and professional development efforts. Dube teaches Chinese history and studies the role of the media in U.S.-China relations.
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