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Richmond Speaks at Chinese Symposium

Story by Kukla Vera
This article was originally published on May 9, 2006 by USC News

Frances Richmond, director of the regulatory science program in the USC School of Pharmacy, was one of two U.S.-based speakers featured at the North American Pharmaceutical Market and Regulation meeting in Tianjin, China, in late April.

Richmond gave a keynote address titled “Regulation of Generic Drugs and Dietary Supplements in North America.” She also participated with Chinese industry representatives during the workshop portions of the meeting.

Sponsored by the Economic & Trade Commission and the Industry Commission of Tianjin, China, the goal of the meeting was to help transform the Chinese industry from a supplier of chemical commodities to the U.S. to a provider of finished goods.

To accomplish this, the Chinese producers need to fully understand the regulatory requirements that govern the generic drug and dietary supplement industries in this country.

“Our regulatory approaches are among the most rigorous in the world,” Richmond said. “The meeting substantiated my belief that Chinese enterprises are becoming more aware of U.S. requirements and more competent at developing appropriate quality systems. It also gave me an opportunity to meet the leaders of the burgeoning generics and supplement industries of China.

“This is truly an exciting time for new avenues of international commerce,” she said.