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Student Resources

Language Program

CET Harbin Chinese Language Program

April 23, 2008
Long considered CET's "gem", the Harbin program attracts students who are up to the challenge of true immersion into an environment with few English-speaking foreigners. Students abide by a full-time language pledge and explore Harbin, a location chosen for its standard Mandarin, with Chinese roommates. The curriculum, perfect for students with research interests, includes one-on-two drill classes, small group electives and student-designed independent study classes--a student favorite.Students who have completed at least four years of college-level Chinese or the equivalent may…
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Language Program

CET Beijing Intensive Chinese Language Studies Program

April 23, 2008
Semester study abroad students at CET Beijing are hard-working and dedicated to immersing themselves in Chinese culture to improve their language skills. With an intensive curriculum, a full-time language pledge, and a local roommate who brings language practice into your home life, you will see language gains that astonish you.Intensive language learning. You take 20 hours/week of Chinese language classes with some of the best teachers in the field. Your hours are broken up between core classes, where you focus as a group on grammar, drill, and discussion, and supplementary hours where you…
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Campus Resource

James Harmon Hoose Library of Philosophy, USC

April 14, 2008
The mission of the Hoose Library of Philosophy is to serve the educational and research needs of graduate and undergraduate students, as well as faculty, regarding all aspects of academic philosophy and its allied disciplines. The library's collection and resources primarily serve the School of Philosophy as well as other university departments interested in the philosophical foundations of the liberal arts and sciences.
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Campus Resource

USC Chinese Language Program

October 25, 2007
The Chinese Language Program offers a basic language sequence that covers beginning (first year) to advanced (fourth year) Chinese language, including Chinese I, II, III, IV, and Advanced Modern Chinese I and II. The language program also offers courses in Business Chinese, Conversational Chinese, and Chinese Language through Film and Television.
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Campus Resource

The Chinese Historical Society of Southern California Collection

September 25, 2007
The Chinese Historical Society of Southern California Collection documents artifacts systematically excavated from two sites in Southern California. The first site is represented by about 1,040 color images of artifacts from the original Los Angeles Chinatown; an additional 150 images document artifacts from the site of a Chinese laundry in Santa Barbara.
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Campus Resource

Internet Mission Photography Collection at Digital Archives

September 25, 2007
The International Mission Photography Archive offers historical images from Protestant and Catholic missionary collections in Britain, Norway, Germany, France, Switzerland, and the United States. The photographs, which range in time from the middle of the nineteenth to the middle of the twentieth century, offer a visual record of missionary activities and experiences in Africa, China, Madagascar, India, Papua-New Guinea, and the Caribbean.
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Campus Resource

East Asian Studies Center (EASC)

September 20, 2007
The East Asian Studies Center (EASC) provides dedicated leadership, coordination and support for the growing interdisciplinary education, research activity, and community outreach concerning East Asia.
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Campus Resource

East Asian Languages & Cultures Department (EALC)

September 20, 2007
The Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures at the University of Southern California is dedicated to the interdisciplinary study of the languages, literatures, and cultures of China, Korea, and Japan from the premodern to contemporary periods.
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Campus Resource

East Asian Library

September 20, 2007
The East Asian Library includes Chinese, Japanese and Korean-language materials in all fields, and highly emphasizes social sciences and humanities.
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Campus Resource

East Asian Languages & Studies: Reference Services & Research Help

September 20, 2007
The East Asian Library directly supports the research and teaching needs of the East Asian faculty and students at USC and includes in its collections Chinese, Japanese and Korean-language materials in all fields, but with an emphasis on social sciences and humanities.
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