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UNICEF 2008 Statistics on China


Basic Indicators 
Under-5 mortality rate102
Under-5 mortality rate, 199046
Under-5 mortality rate, 200821
Infant mortality rate (under 1), 199037
Infant mortality rate (under 1), 200818
Neonatal mortality rate, 200418
Total population (thousands), 20081337411
Annual no. of births (thousands), 200818134
Annual no. of under-5 deaths (thousands), 2008365
GNI per capita (US$), 20082770
Life expectancy at birth (years), 200873
Total adult literacy rate (%), 2003-200893
Primary school net enrollment/attendance (%), 2003-2008100
% share of household income 2000-2007, lowest 40%16
% share of household income 2000-2007, highest 20%48



% of infants with low birthweight, 2003-20084          
% of children (2003-2008) who are: Early innitiation of breastfeeding (%)-                  
% of children (2003–2008) who are:  exclusively breastfed (<6 months)-
% of children (2003–2008) who are: breastfed with complementary food (6–9 months)32
% of children (2003–2008) who are: still breastfeeding (20–23 months)15
% of under-fives (2003–2008) suffering from: underweight (NCHS/WHO) moderate & severe7
% of under-fives (2003–2008) suffering from: underweight (WHO) moderate & severe6
% of under-fives (2003–2008) suffering from: underweight (WHO) severe-
% of under-fives (2003–2008) suffering from: wasting (WHO) moderate & severe-
% of under-fives (2003–2008) suffering from: stunting (WHO) moderate & severe15
Vitamin A supplementation coverage rate (6–59 months) 2008, Full coverage ? (%)-
% of households consuming iodized salt, 2003–200895



% of population using improved drinking-water sources, 2006 total88         
% of population using improved drinking-water sources, 2006 urban98
% of population using improved drinking-water sources, 2006 rural81
% of population using improved sanitation facilities 2006 total65
% of population using improved sanitation facilities 2006 urban74
% of population using improved sanitation facilities 2006 rural59
% of routine EPI vaccines financed by government 2008 total-
Immunization 2008, 1-year-old children immunized against: TB, corresponding vaccines: BCG97
Immunization 2008, 1-year-old children immunized against: DPT, corresponding vaccines: DPT1ß99
Immunization 2008, 1-year-old children immunized against: DPT, corresponding vaccines: DPT3ß97
Immunization 2008, 1-year-old children immunized against: Polio, corresponding vaccines: polio399
Immunization 2008, 1-year-old children immunized against: Measles, corresponding vaccines: measles94
Immunization 2008, 1-year-old children immunized against: HepB, corresponding vaccines: HepB395
Immunization 2008, 1-year-old children immunized against: Hib, corresponding vaccines: Hib3-
Immunization 2008, % newborns protected against tetanus-
% under-fives with suspected pneumonia taken to an appropriate health-care provider, 2005–2008-
% under-fives with diarrhoea receiving oral rehydration and continued feeding, 2005–2008-
Malaria 2006–2008, % households owning at least one ITN-
Malaria 2006–2008, % under-fives sleeping under ITNs-
Malaria 2006–2008, % under-fives with fever receiving anti-malarial drugs-



Estimated adult HIV prevalence rate (aged 15-49), 20070.1                     
Estimated number of people (all ages) living with HIV, 2007 (thousands), estimate700
Estimated number of people (all ages) living with HIV, 2007 (thousands), low estimate450
Estimated number of people (all ages) living with HIV, 2007 (thousands), high estimate1000
Mother–to–child transmission, Estimated number of women (aged 15+) living with HIV, 2007 (thousands)200
Paediatric infections, Estimated number of children (aged 0–14) living with HIV, 2007 (thousands)-
Prevention among young people, HIV prevalence among young people (aged 15–24), 2007, male0.1
Prevention among young people, HIV prevalence among young people (aged 15–24), 2007, female0.1
Prevention among young people, % who have comprehensive knowledge of HIV, 2003–2008*, male-
Prevention among young people, % who have comprehensive knowledge of HIV, 2003–2008*, female-
Prevention among young people, % who used condom at last higher–risk sex, 2003–2008*, male-
Prevention among young people, % who used condom at last higher–risk sex, 2003–2008*, female-
Orphans, Children (aged 0–17) orphaned by AIDS, 2007, estimate (thousands)-
Orphans, Children (aged 0–17) orphaned due to all causes, 2007, estimate (thousands)17000
Orphans, Orphan school attendance ratio, 2003–2008-



Youth (15–24 years) literacy rate, 2003–2007, male99           
Youth (15–24 years) literacy rate, 2003–2007, female99
Number per 100 population, 2007, phones41
Number per 100 population , 2007, Internet users16
Primary school enrolment ratio 2003–2008, gross, male112
Primary school enrolment ratio 2003–2008, gross, female111
Primary school enrolment ratio 2003–2008, net, male100
Primary school enrolment ratio 2003–2008, net, female100
Primary school attendance ratio 2003–2008, net, male-
Primary school attendance ratio 2003–2008, net, female-
Survival rate to last primary grade (%) 2003–2008, admin. data-
Survival rate to last primary grade (%) 2003–2008, survey data-
Secondary school enrolment ratio 2003–2008, gross, male75
Secondary school enrolment ratio 2003–2008, gross, female76
Secondary school enrolment ratio 2003–2008, net, male-
Secondary school enrolment ratio 2003–2008, net, female-
Secondary school attendance ratio 2003–2008, net, male-
Secondary school attendance ratio 2003–2008, net, female-



Demographic indicators              
Population (thousands), 2008, under 1834228           
Population (thousands), 2008, under 586881
Population annual growth rate (%), 1970–1990                                                                   1.7
Population annual growth rate (%), 1990–20001
Population annual growth rate (%), 2000–20080.7
Crude death rate, 19708
Crude death rate, 19907
Crude death rate, 20087
Crude birth rate, 197033
Crude birth rate, 199022
Crude birth rate, 200814
Life expectancy, 197062
Life expectancy, 199068
Life expectancy, 200873
Total fertility rate, 20081.8
% of population urbanized, 200843
Average annual growth rate of urban population (%), 1970–19904
Average annual growth rate of urban population (%), 1990–20003.7
Average annual growth rate of urban population (%), 2000–20083



Economic Indicators 
GNI per capita (US$), 20082770           
GDP per capita average annual growth rate (%), 1970–19906.6
GDP per capita average annual growth rate (%), 1990–20089
Average annual rate of inflation (%), 1990–20085
% of population below international poverty line of US$1.25 per day, 1992–200716
% of central government expenditure (1998–2007) allocated to:, health0
% of central government expenditure (1998–2007) allocated to:, education1
% of central government expenditure (1998–2007) allocated to:, defense11
ODA inflow in millions US$, 20071439
ODA inflow as a % of recipient GNI, 20070
Debt service as a % of exports of goods and services, 199010
Debt service as a % of exports of goods and services, 20072



Life expectancy: females as a % of males, 2008105
Adult literacy rate: females as a % of males, 2003–200793
Enrolment and attendance ratios: females as a % of males, Net primary school 2003–2008, enrolled100
Enrolment and attendance ratios: females as a % of males, Net primary school 2003–2008, attending-
Enrolment and attendance ratios: females as a % of males, Net secondary school 2003–2008, enrolled-
Enrolment and attendance ratios: females as a % of males, Net secondary school 2003–2008, attending-
Contraceptive prevalence (%), 2003–200885
Antenatal care coverage (%), At least once, 2003–200891
Antenatal care coverage (%), At least four times, 2003–2008-
Delivery care coverage (%), Skilled attendant at birth, 2003–200898
Delivery care coverage (%), Institutional delivery, 2003–200892
Maternal mortality ratio† , 2003–2008, reported37
Maternal mortality ratio† , 2005, Adjusted45
Maternal mortality ratio† , 2005, Lifetime risk of maternal death. 1 in:1300



Child Protection                  
Child labour (5–14 years) 1999–2008, total-
Child labour (5–14 years) 1999–2008, male-
Child labour (5–14 years) 1999–2008, female-
Child marriage 2000–2008, total-
Child marriage 2000–2008, urban-
Child marriage 2000–2008, rural-
Birth registration 2000–2008, total-
Birth registration 2000–2008, urban-
Birth registration 2000–2008, rural-
Female genital mutilation/cutting 1997–2007, women a (15–49 years) , total-
Female genital mutilation/cutting 1997–2007, daughters, total-
Attitude towards domestic violence, 2001–2008, total-
Child disability 1999–2008 total2
Child discipline, 2005–2007, total-



The Rate of Progress 
Under-5 mortality rank102      
Under-5 mortality rate, 1970117
Under-5 mortality rate, 199046
Under-5 mortality rate, 200036
Under-5 mortality rate, 200821
Average annual rate of reduction (%)T, 1970–19904.7
Average annual rate of reduction (%)T, 1990–20084.4
Reduction since 1990 (%)T54
GDP per capita average annual growth rate (%), 1970–19906.6
GDP per capita average annual growth rate (%), 1990–20089
Total fertility rate, 19705.5
Total fertility rate, 19902.3
Total fertility rate, 20081.8
Average annual rate of reduction (%), 1970–19904.3
Average annual rate of reduction (%), 1990–20081.6


Definitions of the indicators

Under-five mortality rate - Probability of dying between birth and exactly five years of age expressed per 1,000 live births.

Reduction since 1990(%) - Percentage reduction in the under-five mortality rate (U5MR) from 1990 to 2002. The United Nations Millennium Declaration in 2000 established a goal of a two-thirds (67%) reduction in U5MR from 1990 to 2015. Hence this indicator provides a current assessment of progress towards this goal.

GDP per capita - Gross domestic product (GDP) is the sum of value added by all resident producers plus any product taxes (less subsidies) not included in the valuation of output. GDP per capita is gross domestic product divided by mid-year population. Growth is calculated from constant price GDP data in local currency.

Total fertility rate - The number of children that would be born per women if she were to live t the end of her child-bearing years and bear children at each age in accordance with prevailing age-specific fertility rates.

Main data sources

Under-five and infant mortality rates - UNICEF, United Nations Population Division and United Nations Statistics Division.

GDP per capita - World Bank.

Fertility - United Nations Population Division.

Original source:

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