Merril Silverstein is inaugural holder of the Marjorie Cantor Chair in Aging Studies at Syracuse University. Prior to his current appointment, he served as Professor of Gerontology and Sociology at the University of Southern California. Silverstein currently serves as principal investigator of the Longitudinal Study of Generations, a project that has tracked multigenerational families for more than four decades. He originated the Longitudinal Study of Older Adults in Anhui Province that for fifteen years has focused on the well-being and intergenerational exchanges of elders in rural China.
This video is also available on the USCI YouTube Channel.
JIANG Kui 江逵 is deputy general manager and one of the founders of Chongqing China Railway Renzhi Senior Industry Co. 重庆中铁任之养老产业有限公司. He is also deputy director of the Aging Committee of the Chongqing Gerontology Association and is a governing member of other industry associations. He’s on the expert panel of Shenzhen E-ling Senior Care Software Research Institute. Jiang has long been engaged in research on China's senior living industry. He created a new Chinese model of home-based senior care for the elderly, which is now working at the China Railway Healthy City project.
This video is also available on the USCI YouTube Channel.
CHEN Poujian 陈剖建 was a pioneer in China’s reform era industry. He was a part of the startup team for Ping An Insurance Group and later launched Tianan Insurance, where he served as chair and CEO for 16 years. Since then he has led China Horae Capital Management Group, which owns insurance companies as well as invests in biotech research and medical devices. Its new insurance products include rehabilitation and elder care policies. Chen earned his doctorate at Zhongnan University of Economics and Law. He has taught at schools in China and the U.S. and was an Eisenhower Fellow.
This video is also available on the USCI YouTube Channel.
Clayton Dube 杜克雷 has headed the USC U.S.-China Institute since it was established by USC President C.L. Nikias in 2006 to focus on the multidimensional U.S.-China relationship. USCI enhances understanding of complex and evolving U.S.-China ties through cutting-edge social science research, innovative graduate and undergraduate training, extensive and influential public events, and professional development efforts. Dube teaches Chinese history and studies the role of the media in U.S.-China relations.