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Event Details
June 29, 2019

University of Southern California
Albert R. & Dana Broccoli Theater (SCA 112)
Los Angeles, CA 90089
United States

Screening - Los Angeles, CA

Screening of 2019 Global Exchange Workshop Documentaries



Now in its second decade, the Global Exchange Workshop (CTPR 515) is a collaborative initiative of USC’s School of Cinematic Arts, Production Division, and the School of Theater, Film & Television at the Communication University of China in Beijing. Each summer, eight MFA students from each institution are selected to collaborate in pairs on short documentary films. The workshop alternates each year between the two universities.

This summer, the Global Exchange Workshop was held in Los Angeles!

On May 10, 2019, eight MFA students from the Communication University of China in Beijing, China, arrived at LAX to begin a collaboration with eight MFA Students from USC. A few days later, they met their collaborators and faculty for the first time, pitched ideas, formed groups, and began researching their chosen subjects –ranging from immigration to love to spirituality. You are invited to see the US Premieres of their completed short films –and meet the filmmakers!

Recent awards from past workshops include: 2017 U­­S Student Academy Award nomination,“With Cancer;” 6th China Academy Awards of Documentary Film, “The Lost Tribe;” 2016 Guangzhou International Documentary Film Festival; 2017 Venice International Film Festival; Best Editing, Beijing College Student Film Festival, “Go Gentle into the Good Night;” Fujian Student Film Festival, “Alone With 5 Million Fans;” 2nd Asia University Film Festival in Pusan, South Korea; and the Gold Award at the 5th Shanghai University Student Film Competition, “The Unclaimed.”

Global Exchange 2019 - Trailer from Saranya Nayak on Vimeo.

The films from this year's Global Exchange Workshop:

Check-In & Reservations
This screening is free of charge and open to the public. Please bring a valid USC ID or print out of your reservation confirmation, which will automatically be sent to your e-mail account upon successfully making an RSVP through this website.

All SCA screenings are OVERBOOKED to ensure seating capacity in the theater, therefore seating is not guaranteed based on RSVPs. The RSVP list will be checked in on a first-come, first-served basis until the theater is full. Once the theater has reached capacity, we will no longer be able to admit guests, regardless of RSVP status.

The USC School of Cinematic Arts is located at 900 W. 34th St., Los Angeles, CA 90007. We recommend the USC Royal St. Parking Structure, at the far end of 34th street closest to S. Figueroa St. Parking passes may be purchased for $12.00 at this entrance, located at the intersection of W. Jefferson Blvd. & Royal Street. Limited street parking is also available along Jefferson Blvd.

Parking map and directions can be found HERE.

