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Earthquake Relief

US-China Today's daily updates summarize quake and other stories. 


May 19, 2008 update: Corporations/Organizations
Click here to see a list of urgently needed supplies.


USCI does not endorse any of these agencies, but each is well-known and well-regarded.


Give2Asia was created by the Asia Foundation in 2001. About 12% of its donations to various organizations in Asia have gone to disaster relief.

Red Cross of China

The Red Cross website is not functioning well at this time.
Donations can be sent to:
Account name: Red Cross Society of China 中国红十字会总会
For those who want to donate in RMB: you can send money to the RMB account at the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China branch below:
人民币开户行: 中国工商银行 北京分行东四南支行
Dongsi Office, Beijing Branch of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China
人民币账号: 0200001009014413252
For those who want to donate in foreign currency, you can send money to the foreign currency account at the CITIC Bank branch below:
Jiuxianqiao Branch of CITIC Bank
外币账号: 7112111482600000209
Hotline: (8610) 65139999

Americans can also give via GivingChina. Unlike donations directly to the Red Cross of China, donations to are tax deductible.

American Red Cross:

AP 2060 China Relief Fund -- the Red Cross can only accept monetary donations, it has no ability to transmit supplies to China. 

Amity Foundation:

Amity is a Chinese Christian organization. It was established in 1985 and has focused its efforts on education and health care. It has sent its disaster relief director to Sichuan.

World Vision: online donations

Soliciting funds for diaster relief to include quake victims and cyclone victims in Myanmar.

 Below is a U.S. Geological Survey map showing the intensity of the quake.






















International Red Cross and Red Crescent Society Map