Happy Lunar New Year from the USC US-China Institute!
Documenting the Global City 2006: "The Elephant in the Pink Tutu" by Tom Xia and Liam Zheng
This is a short documentary on Los Angeles produced by one student from USC and one from the Communication University of China. The students were part of the first collaboration in summer 2006 to "Document the Global City." USC Cinema faculty Mark Harris and Marsha Kinder led this first group. This effort yielded a multi-year exchange that continues and is supported by the two schools, Mr. Stephen Lesser, and the USC U.S.-China Institute.
This video is also available on the USCI YouTube Channel.
Click on the play button above to view the film.
Other films from the
"Melt Me Los Angeles" by Tao Zhang and Krishnan Unnikrishnan
"We Believe" by John Harrison and Sha-Sha Wang
"There's Always Time For Soup" by Chera Kee and Fei-Fei Wang
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