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China’s playing an important and growing role at the United Nations, in the World Trade Organization, and in multilateral efforts to better protect the environment and to restrict the proliferation of nuclear weapons. China’s rapid economic development requires ever increasing energy supplies and other resources. To secure these, has led China to sometimes forge ties with regimes the U.S. condemns. At the same time, many note that China is becoming more of a “responsible stakeholder,” promoting international stability and progress.
This video is also available on the USCI YouTube Channel.
Click here to view China in U.S. Campaign Politics, part six of Election '08 and the Challenge of China.
Speakers in this segment include:
Richard Armitage, president, Armitage International and advisor to John McCain; former Deputy Secretary of State
Jeffrey Bader, director, John Thornton China Center, Brookings Institution and advisor to Barack Obama; former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for East Asia, Director of Asian Affairs, National Security Council, Assistant Trade Representative for China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan
Kenneth Lieberthal, professor, University of Michigan and advisor to Barack Obama; former Senior Director for Asia, National Security Council
Clark T. Randt, Jr. , U.S. Ambassador to China
Michael Swaine, senior associate, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace; former chair and director of the RAND Center for Asia-Pacific Policy
Additional Resources
U.S. Assistant Sec. of State Daniel Sullivan, "U.S.-China Energy Policy: Toward Closer International Partnerships," May 20, 2008
Congressional Research Service, "China's Foreign Policy and 'Soft Power' in South America, Asia, and Africa," April 15, 2008
U.S. Treasury Sec. Henry Paulson, "Meeting the Challenge: A Partnership on Energy and the Environment," April 2, 2008
U.S. Deputy Asst. Sec. of State Thomas Christensen, "Shaping China's Global Choices Through Diplomacy," March 15, 2008
Steven Spielberg, "Withdraws as Olympic Ceremony Advisor," February 12, 2008
Treasury Under Secretary David H. McCormick , "China’s Journey to Environmentally Sustainable Growth at the West Coast Leadership Dialogue," Jan. 2008
U.S. Treasury Sec. Henry Paulson, "Shared Responsibilities and Benefits," November 8, 2007
U.S. Energy Information Administration, “Country Analysis Briefs: China,” August 2006
PRC President Hu Jintao, "Consolidating China-Africa Traditional Friendship and Deepening China-Africa All-round Cooperation, February 4, 2004
U.S. Deputy Asst. Sec. of State Thomas Christensen, "China's Role in the World: Is China a Responsible Stakeholder?," August 3, 2006
Agencies / Organizations
Energy Information Administration
China | U.S.
International Atomic Energy Agency
Monterey Institute for International Studies, Center for Nonproliferation Studies
PRC Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Disarmament
Six Party Talks (Northeast Asia): US
United Nations Security Council
World Bank
USCI and US-China Today Articles
Elaine Wu, "China's Presence Increasingly Important in Cooling Hot Spots," June 20, 2008
Elizabeth Economy, "China's Global Environmental Challenge," April 2007
David Zweig, "Energy Challenges: The Views of Chinese University Students," April 2007
Richard Louis Edmonds, "Discussing Energy and Environment," April 2007
Carolyn Cartier, "Regions in China," April 2007
Jing Li, "Chinese Nationalism and Its Foreign Policy Implications," February 14, 2007
Average Day
China leads in coal production and consumption
China's military spends hundreds of millions of dollars
Dirty air takes lives
Please contact Clayton Dube at the USC U.S.-China Institute (1-213-821-4382 or with questions about the documentary and its themes or screening inquiries. The documentary is also available at the USC U.S.-China Institute’s channel at YouTube.