Jennifer I-Ching Ho, M.S.
Abstract (Summary)
This paper investigates women's HIV/AIDS vulnerability factors and presents a theoretical prevention education model for addressing the growing threat of women's HIV/AIDS infections in Yunnan, China. This need is analyzed theoretically through women's HIV/AIDS vulnerability and empowerment prevention education model, constructed based on Stromquist model of empowerment, Foucauldian power theories, gender vulnerability frameworks, and practiced HIV/AIDS prevention education models. Analysis indicates Yunnan women's HIV/AIDS vulnerability factors consist of patriarchal marriage and inheritance customs, domestication of women's role, conditions of illiteracy, poverty, labor migration, and women trafficking. Investigation of other women's projects in Peru, India, Senegal, and Chile suggest strategies of empowerment applicable to Yunnan. Findings suggest women's psychological, cognitive, economic, and political empowerment approaches for challenging these factors. Such approaches to Yunnan women's HIV/AIDS empowerment prevention education require a multi-sector implementation approach.
Advisor: Stromquist, Nelly