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2014 Summer Residential Seminar at USC (Deadline to apply: Friday, June 27, 2014)

EAST ASIA Since 1800

A Summer Residential Program at USC – July 28 to August 1, 2014
Application Deadline: Friday, June 27, 2014, or until seminar is full

Participants who complete this seminar are eligible to apply for the
NCTA/USCI subsidized study tour to East Asia in summer of 2015.

The USC U.S. – China Institute is offering a five-day residential summer seminar for educators. Enrollment is limited to 24 participants. 

Sessions will meet at USC from 9 am to 4 pm, Monday, July 28 to Friday, August 1, 2014. For these meeting days, participants will have the option of commuting to USC and receive our $250 stipend, or be housed at the Radisson Hotel adjacent to USC. Breakfast, lunch and refreshments will be provided throughout the week. 

Focusing on helping teachers address the California history, social studies, and language arts standards, we will offer presentations on the history and culture of the region, as well as discuss how East Asian case studies can be used to explore a variety of issues. Sessions include discussions of revealing primary source materials as well as literature and film recommendations. 

Individuals who successfully complete the seminar and its follow-up requirements receive:

  • $250 stipend for participants who choose to commute to USC for the seminar and have met all seminar requirements (teachers who choose to be housed at the Radisson Hotel near USC will not receive the $250 stipend)
  • Six (6) USC Rossier School of Education Continuing Education Units (CEUs) OR two (2) LAUSD multicultural salary points, if applicable.  For CEUs, a processing fee of $150 (subject to change) will be required.  CEUs and PUSD/LAUSD salary points are processed by USCI after verification of all seminar completion requirements.
  • East Asia-focused resource materials for use in the classroom

    Click here to download the Seminar Requirements.

Among the topics covered in the seminar:

  • Key moments and modern trends
  • Asia’s past and present disputes
  • Literature, film, and pop music
  • Food and culture
  • Population trends and East Asia’s future
  • Environmental challenges

How to Apply

Click here to download the application. In addition to the completed application form, you will need to submit (via mail, e-mail, or fax):

  • A short 1-2 page resume (curriculum vita) listing your educational and work experience
  • A letter from your school principal confirming your teaching assignment
  • A refundable deposit check for $100, made payable to "University of Southern California," to hold your registration; the check will be returned to you at the conclusion of the seminar

Questions? Contact us at (213) 821-4382 or