The discussion took place at Annenberg School of Communication on March 6, 2013. See the original event page here.
Across the globe, China is more engaged than ever before. We see this in trade and investment, security and anti-piracy patrols, cultural and educational exchanges, participation in international organizations, and much more. For a discussion of China’s foreign policy objectives and the current state of its relations with North America, Asia, Africa, and Europe USCI hosted three of the country’s most experienced diplomats, Ambassadors Lu Fengding, Mei Ping, and Zhou Gang.
USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism Dean Ernest Wilson opened the session, welcoming the guests and audience and then noting that the school and the USC U.S.-China Institute were engaged in many collaborative projects with partners in China focusing on the US-China relationship. Clayton Dube of USCI then introduced the guests and moderated the discussion.
Lu FengdingAmbassador Lu is a member of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) as well as a member of the Foreign Policy Advisory Committee of the Foreign Ministry of China. He served as ambassador to Nigeria from 1995 to 1999 and as ambassador to Sweden from 2004 to 2008.
1946年生于安徽省。1965年在北京外国语学院学习进修。1973年至1991年先后在外交部翻译室、驻冈比亚使馆、外交部美大司、驻澳大利亚使馆、 驻密克罗西亚使馆、驻澳大利亚使馆工作。1995年至1999年任驻尼日利亚大使。1999年至2004年任中央外事领导小组办公室副主任。2004年至 2007年任驻瑞典大使。现任第十一届全国政协委员。2008年10月任外交部外交政策咨询委员会委员。
Mei PingAmbassador Mei serves as a member of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) and of the Foreign Policy Advisory Committee of the Foreign Ministry of China. He was appointed as the ambassador to Turkey in 1989 and served in the post until 1992. From 1993 to 1995, Ambassador Mei served as the Chinese Consul General in San Francisco and then in the same position in New York immediately after. In 1996, he became the Director General of the Department of American Affairs and stayed in that post for two years. More recently, Mei served as the Chinese Ambassador to Canada from 1998 to 2005.
1943年生于上海市。1965年进 入外交部工作。1982年至1989年先后任外交学院英语系主任、第一副院长。1989年至1996年历任驻马耳他大使、驻旧金山总领事、驻纽约总领事。 1996年至1998年任外交部美大司司长。1998年至2005年任驻加拿大大使。2003年至2008年任全国政协外事委员会委员。现任中国太平洋经 济合作全国委员会会长。2008年10月任外交部外交政策咨询委员会委员.
Zhou Gang
Ambassador Zhou is a member of the Foreign Policy Advisory Committee of the Foreign Ministry of China. He served as the ambassador to Malaysia, Pakistan, Indonesia, and India, starting in 1988 through 2001. In addition, Ambassador Zhou was the Deputy Director General of the Department of Asian Affairs.
1937年生于江苏省。1961年毕 业于莫斯科国际关系学院,1962年进入外交部,先后在外交部亚洲司、驻印度使馆、孟加拉国使馆工作。1988年至2001年历任驻马来西亚、巴基斯坦、 印度尼西亚、印度大使。现任中国-印度名人论坛秘书长、中国国际问题研究基金会成员、中国国际战略学会高级顾问、中国国际问题研究所特约研究员、中国前外 交官联谊会理事、中国亚非发展交流协会顾问、中国-印度友好协会理事、中国人民外交学会理事、中国改革开放论坛理事。2008年10月任外交部外交政策咨 询委员会委员。
This video is also available on the USCI YouTube Channel.