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April 27, 2012: World Journal 世界日报
A film screening organized by the USC Annenberg Chinese Student and Alumni Association (南加州大學安娜堡中國學生校友協會) and Beijing Normal University was highlighted in an article. The screening featured prize winning Chinese student films. The year old student association has hosted this events and others to introduce students to alumni and others working in the US and Chinese film industries. In addition to the screening, Beijing Normal University dean Zhou Xing spoke to the attendees via video link.
April 23, 2012: China Daily (via Asia One)
USC political scientist Stanley Rosen was quoted in an article about the role U.S.-trained Chinese producers are likely to play in building China’s film industry.
April 2012
Ying Wu and Ming Qu, two USC students from China, remembered by the USC community
April 26, 2012: Los Angeles Times
USC’s Mei Fong wrote an op-ed about Chinese discussion of the shooting.
April 26, 2012: USC News
April 26, 2012: KNBC
April 22, 2012: US China Press
April 21, 2012: Exchange Student Net
April 20, 2012: Xinhua News Agency
April 20, 2012: Xinhua News Agency
April 20, 2012: China Daily
April 20, 2012: China News Net (via Sina)
April 19, 2012: KTLA
April 19, 2012: STSF
April 19, 2012: City News Service (via OC Register)
April 19, 2012: China News Net (via Sohu)
April 19, 2012: New Culture Net
April 19, 2012: Singtao Daily
April 18, 2012: Los Angeles Times
April 18, 2012: KNBC
April 18, 2012: KPCC
April 18, 2012: KABC
April 18, 2012: US China Press
April 18, 2012: CCTV (via Tudou)
April 16, 2012: Associated Press
April 15, 2012: Sinovision Net
April 13, 2012: Takungpao
April 12, 2012: KPCC
April 2012
Ying Wu and Ming Qu, two USC students from China, killed off campus
April 17, 2012: KTSF
April 17, 2012: China News Net (via Hefei News)
April 16, 2012: Xinmen
April 16, 2012: China Daily
April 16, 2012: KCBS
April 15, 2012: World Journal
April 15, 2012: US China Press
April 15, 2012: Phoenix Satellite Television
April 14, 2012: VOA
April 13, 2012: Liberation Daily
April 13, 2012: Rednet
April 13, 2012: Zhanjiang News
April 13, 2012:Guangzhou Daily (via Sohu)
April 13, 2012:Youku
April 13, 2012:Chinese Labor Net
April 13, 2012: Zhejiang Television (via Youku)
April 13, 2012: CCTV (via Tudou)
April 13, 2012: CCTV (via Tudou)
April 13, 2012: Shanghai Television (via Tudou)
April 13, 2012: Henan Television (via Tudou)
April 13, 2012: Liaoning Television (via Tudou)
April 13, 2012:Hebei Television (via Tudou)
April 13, 2012:Chongqing Television (via Tudou)
April 13, 2012: Phoenix Satellite Television (via Tudou)
April 13, 2012:Phoenix Satellite Television (via Tudou)
April 13, 2012: Star News (via Tudou)
April 13, 2012: Fox News
April 11, 2012: LA Weekly
April 11, 2012: Los Angeles Times
USC political scientist Stanley Rosen was quoted in an article about Disney’s animation industry efforts in China. He said, "Right now [the Chinese] need expertise in terms of telling stories, using technology and doing animation. This is a way for the Chinese to succeed overseas."
April 11, 2012: Agence France Presse
Daniel Lynch, USC international relations specialist, was quoted on the potential of the Bo Xilai and Gu Kailai cases to damage China’s political system. Lynch also noted that China’s government announced the dismissal of Bo and investigation of Gu relatively quickly because communications technologies now allow rumors to spread quickly.
March, 2012
Taiwan’s chief representative Jason Yuan’s presentation at the USC US-China Institute was widely reported. Yuan called for continuing to build trade, tourism, and other exchanges with the mainland and said that U.S. arms sales to Taiwan greatly assists Taiwan in its negotiations with China. Some articles included quotes from USC political scientist Stanley Rosen and USC US-China Institute postdoctoral fellow Derek Liu. Some stories highlighted Yuan’s comments about Taiwan soft power and basketball star Jeremy Lin.
Click here to watch the video or to read his speech.
March 4, 2012: Radio Free Asia
March 4, 2012: China Review 中国评论March 3, 2012: Qiaobao 侨报网
March 3, 2012: Voice of AmericaMarch 3, 2012: Radio Taiwan International
March 3, 2012: World Journal 世界日报March 3, 2012: Central Daily News 中央日报
March 2, 2012: China Times 中时电子报
March 4, 2012: Asia Week 亚洲周刊
The newsweekly carried an interview with Clayton Dube of the USC US-China Institute. Dube spoke about how the US-China relationship changed over the past forty years. He also discussed the limited press access to Chinese leader Xi Jinping during his visit and drew comparisons to press coverage of Richard Nixon’s 1972 trip to China. He noted that while the Chinese government today complains that there’s strategic mistrust between the two countries, it is mistaken to think the problem is merely a matter of poor communication. Important policy differences exist between the US and China.
March 2, 2012: China Daily (USA Edition)
An article about a conference on Nixon’s 1972 trip to China noted the presentation by Clayton Dube of the USC US-China Institute. Dube noted that unlike the recent visit by Chinese Vice President Xi, the Nixon trip didn’t feature the signing of any trade deals. The article noted the institute’s Assignment: China – The Week that Changed the World documentary on how the US news media covered the event.