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USC and China in the News, March and April 2008

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CHINA NEWS, March 3, 2008

This article focused on a Feb. 29 Staples Center symposium on the Beijing Olympics co-sponsored by the L.A. Avengers football team and the Los Angeles World Affairs Council. USC U.S.-China Institute associate director Clayton Dube and USC College anthropology professor Eugene Cooper joined Zhang Yun, the Consul General of the People’s Republic of China in speaking about the significance of the upcoming games. Dube noted that since at least 1907 there has been a push in China to not only participate in the Olympics, but to host the games. He noted that games were an attention magnet and that China needs to be tolerant of those who will seek to use that attention to put forward their own viewpoints. Cooper spoke of the importance of sports in U.S.-China relations and noted how it fostered direct exchange between peoples.

CHINA NEWS, March 7, 2008 translated "Survey: Most Americans Now Have an Unfavorable Impression of China" from the USCI website. The translation was picked up by at least 35 additional Chinese news outlets. At, more than 900 readers commented on the article's contents.


Geoffrey Garrett, professor of international relations in USC College and president of the Pacific Council wrote in an op-ed that, "[P]laying to American insecurities about China is not the way to stabilize what will be the U.S.' most important bilateral relationship over the next several decades. What the U.S. needs is a new vision for its relations with Beijing, one based on further economic integration, not protectionism. This is the best way to sustain America¹s long 20th century economic boom well into this century."

KSCI Ch. 18, March 20, 2008

KSCI interviewed a number of foreigners following the Taiwan presidential election. USC undergraduate Pauline Yang and political scientist Stanley Rosen were among those interviewed. Yang noted that she and others followed campaign news and were encouraged by the remarkable level of popular involvement. Rosen noted that both candidates are moderates. The parties have pushed polarizing figures to the side.


KTSF Ch. 26, March 21, 2008

Stanley Rosen, USC professor of political science, was interviewed for a story on U.S.-Taiwan relations that was broadcast by KTSF in San Francisco. Rosen noted that both of the two candidates in the Taiwan presidential race had made mending U.S.-Taiwan ties a priority and that both hoped to improve cross-strait relations. Rosen has been observing elections in Taiwan since 1991 and said, "Candidates moving to the center, rather than in extreme directions. That's probably the biggest difference [from 2004]."

AFP, March 22, 2008

Clayton Dube, associate director of the USC U.S.-China Institute, was quoted in an Agence France-Presse story reprinted by France 24 and other outlets, about the Taiwan presidential election. Published the morning of the election, Dube argued that Kuomintang candidate was likely to win by as much as 10%. He said, "Ultimately it turns on fatigue with [incumbant President] Chen Shui-bian and disappointment at job losses and slow economic progress." (Click here for French version.)

Slovak Daily SME (Slovakia), March 22, 2008

An article published on the Taiwan presidential election quoted USC U.S.-China Institute associate director Clayton Dube.

FORBES, March 23, 2008

Clayton Dube, associate director of the USC U.S.-China Institute, was quoted in an Agence France-Presse article on the implications of the election of Ma Ying-jeou as Taiwan's president for cross-strait and U.S.-China relations. Dube stressed that Washington expects and will welcome more predictability in the U.S.-Taiwan relationship. He said that the U.S. government had become "quite frustrated" with Taiwan's current leadership. 

 SINGTAO DAILY 星岛日报, March 23, 2008

In a telephone interview from Taipei, USCI Associate Director Clayton Dube discussed the voting and vote counting process for the Taiwan presidential election. He had visited five polling places and observed the vote count at one. He observed that the 76% turnout for this election far exceeded norms in the United States. He explained that Ma's election victory was based on performance expectations and that Ma now needs to work hard to bring economic progress and warmer ties with both China and the U.S. Dube attended Ma's victory rally and noted his reconciliatory attitude, highlighting Ma's statement that he wanted to serve the interests of the more than five million people who did not vote for him as well as the more than seven million people who did. This article was widely reprinted (e.g., HK Headlines,

 Taiwan News, March 24, 2008

Taiwan News was among the outlets publishing a Central News Agency story on newly-elected Taiwan president Ma Ying-jeou's agenda. Clayton Dube said the new government must work to prop up the economy, rebuild trust with the U.S., and foster productive discussion with China's government. The article said Dube was part of a 12-member USCI delegation to observe the election. In fact, USCI sent a group of six faculty and students to observe.

Slovak Daily (Slovakia), March 25, 2008

A report on the election of Ma Ying-jeou as president of Taiwan was accompanied by an interview with Clayton Dube, USC U.S.-China Institute associate director.

News, March 28, 2008

USC Gould School of Law professor Edwin Smith and Terrence O'Sullivan of USC's National Center for Risk and Economic Analysis were quoted following the March 25 revelation that the U.S. had mistakenly sent Taiwan Minuteman missile fuses rather than helicopter batteries. Smith was encouraged by Taiwan's vigorous efforts to return the fuses. Smith also noted the technology was outdated. He said, "It's a humiliating mistake more than anything else... unless the Chinese get really upset. But they would have to assume this was an intentional act in order to get really upset." O'Sullivan echoed this, "ITAR regulations aside, this embarrassing incident was almost certainly caused by a bureaucratic snafu, and not intentional....  Any ensuing threat to U.S. and/or global security interests would be contingent on how damaging to U.S.-Chinese diplomatic relations this might be, given the tremendous political sensitivities the Chinese government has about Taiwan independence and military force projection capabilities."


KSCI Ch. 18, March 27, 2008

KSCI covered the USCI symposium on the March 22 Taiwan election. The story noted presentations by USC, UC Berkeley, and National Tsinghua University faculty and by USC students. USCI's Clayton Dube, Stan Rosen, and Dan Lynch were quoted (Dube on how the change in government will likely bring greater stability and predictability in the US-Taiwan relationship, Rosen on the more moderate tone of Kuomintang ads and the increasing desperation evident in Democratic Progressive Party ads, and Lynch on the importance of president-elect Ma Ying-jeou's embrace of Taiwan identity). UC Berkeley professor and USCI board of scholars member Tom Gold was also featured, speaking on the ineffectiveness of previously reliable Democratic Progressive Party messages.

 Singtao 星岛日报, March 27, 2008

Singtao was among the news organizations publishing a Central News Agency story about the Taiwan presidential election symposium held at USC on March 26. The article focused on the procedural questions addressed during the symposium including the ability of ordinary citizens to monitor vote counting at polling stations.

World Journal 世界日报, March 27, 2008

World Journal carried three articles about the USCI symposium on the Taiwan election. One focused on USC political scientist Stanley Rosen's assessment of the campaign's political advertising. It noted Rosen's conclusion that the tone of advertising in 2008 was much more moderate than in the past, especially in comparison to the 2004 election which included advertisements likening incumbent president Chen Shui-bian to Osama bin Laden. The second article focused on Wu Jieh-min's presentation. Wu is a visiting Fulbright scholar and is a sociologist at National Tsinghua University in Taiwan. Among Wu's highlighted points is his observation that Taiwan could be an example of how a Chinese society can build a functioning democracy. The third article discussed USCI associate director Clayton Dube's review of the development of democracy in Taiwan.

Far Eastern Economic Review, March 31, 2008

USC College international relations professor Daniel Lynch contributed the lead article to the March edition of the Far Eastern Economic Review. In "Mr. Ma's Taiwanese Identity," Lynch explains that Ma Ying-jeou's victory was possible only because Ma had moved to "align his presidential campaign with Taiwan-centric consciousness." Because Ma now sees Taiwan as "a subject freely determining its own future," Lynch anticipates that China's government, which sees Taiwan as a part of China, will eventually find Ma irritating. Lynch was part of a USC U.S.-China Institute team that observed the election. USCI hosted a symposium on the election on March 26.

April, April 3, 2008 reported that Justin Yifu Lin, Peking University professor and new World Bank chief economist, will speak at the USC U.S.-China Institute on April 8. The story provided an outline biography for Justin Lin.

Justin Yifu Lin on "Development and Transition," April 9, 2008

Justin Yifu Lin (林毅夫), the incoming Chief Economist and Senior Vice President for Development Economics, spoke at USC on April 8, 2008. Lin, a member of the USC U.S.-China Institute's board of scholars, Why are some countries rich and others poor? How can poor countries become rich? Justin Yifu Lin, newly appointed Chief Economist of the World Bank, took on these questions in a USC presentation yesterday. The Peking University professor and member of the U.S.-China Institute board of scholars spoke to an overflow crowd of more than 150 people. He argued that economic growth in developing countries requires pragmatic rather than ideologically-driven government policies and continuous technological innovation. Countries have limited endowments, but by taking fullest advantage of their comparative advantages to accumulate capital, import technology, and to utilize these for continued growth. Lin pointed to Deng Xiaoping’s (1904-97) pragmatic and gradual economic reforms in China as evidence for his approach. Deng’s incremental policies mobilized the nation’s abundant labor, partially opened the country to foreign capital and technology, and focused on building export-oriented light industry. Lin's presentation was sponsored by the USC U.S.-China Institute and the Institute for Economic Policy Research.

The talk was widely reported:
SingtaoUSA 星岛网, April 9, 2008
World Journal 世界日报, April 9, 2008
VOA News, April 9, 2008
The China Press 侨报, April 9, 2008
Free News 免费新闻 , April 9, 2008

NBC Today Show, April 9, 2008

USC U.S.-China Institute associate director Clayton Dube was interviewed on the attractiveness of the 2008 Olympic Torch Relay for those eager to protest Chinese policies or practices. Dube noted that protesters are seizing on the immense media attention focused on the Olympics, attention that has been heightened because of protests and their suppression in and near Tibet. Asked why the International Olympic Committee would find it nearly impossible to cancel the torch relay, Dube responded that this would be an affront to hundreds of millions of Chinese who are proud of their nation and are anxiously awaiting the start of the Games.

 Los Angeles Times, April 11, 2008

Clayton Dube, associate director of the U.S.-China Institute, was quoted in an article looking at Chinese American reactions to human rights and other protests against the Chinese government. Dube noted that many Chinese Americans experienced or have been taught about the "dark days" of China's not too distant past (invasion, political campaigns, material deprivation). They feel immense pride at the economic progress China has achieved in recent decades and are therefore upset, especially when protests are described as anti-Chinese rather than against the government or a particular policy.

Pasadena Weekly, April 16, 2008

An article about the Committee of 100 included quotations from Clayton Dube, associate director of the USC U.S.-China Institute. Dube noted the remarkable individuals serving as members, saying "Most groups of this kind cast the net pretty wide, but this group has taken a different approach — power tied not to numbers but to the prestige of the members." The elite group of Chinese Americans is holding its annual conference in Beverly Hills this week. Dube also noted that the recent "Hope and Fear" report on highlighted issues that Chinese and Americans identified as likely flash points in the U.S.-China relationship.

Ambassador Clark T. Randt, Jr. on the State of U.S.- China Relations, April 21, 2008

Clark T. Randt, Jr., America's current and longest-serving ambassador to China, delivered the 2008 Herbert G. Klein Lecture at USC. Randt's talk was sponsored by the USC U.S.-China Institute and the College of Letters, Arts, and Sciences. Video of Provost C.L. Max Nikias's introduction and the complete Randt talk is available at: The talk received extensive press coverage. Many of the articles below were distributed to other news outlets.

World Journal, April 22, 2008, "Randt: The Health of the US-China Relationship Lies in the Taiwan Issue"

World Journal, April 22, 2008, "Americans must confront China's rise in the world: From product safety to counter-terrorism or air quality, American lives and Chinese are intertwined"

Singtao via, April 22, 2008, "Huge Changes in China these past decades, Ambassador Randt offers a comprehensive look at China-US relations"

China Review News, April 22, 2008, "Randt: Support the Olympics, Bush to go to China this summer"

Ta Kung Pao, April 22, 2008, "America’s ambassador to China: Bush Supports the Beijing Olympics"

Qiaobao 侨报, April 22, 2008, "Randt discusses US-China relations: China's rise presents good opportunities for the US" 


 Los Angeles Times, April 26, 2008

Nan Yao, president of the USC Chinese Students and Scholars Association (CSSA), and Clayton Dube, associate director of the USC U.S.-China Institute, were among those quoted in a story on rising support for China among Chinese studying in the U.S. and Chinese Americans. CSSA was among those organizations participating in pro-Olympic demonstrations in San Franciso and an anti-Jack Cafferty demonstration at CNN's Los Angeles offices. CSSA also presented information about China and the Olympics in poster displays at USC. Yao said, "There's no way the government can control us... "We're doing this all on our own." Dube noted, You don't need to convince these students. They feel very strongly." He was also quoted as saying that among some members of the Chinese and Chinese American community, "There's resentment because, right when they were getting ready to celebrate, [and] instead there's a need to mobilize and pound home a different message" [than expressed by groups protesting at the Olympic torch relay]. Dube also explained that "These are a rare set of circumstances where you have all this national pride because of the Olympics and then something that threatens it in a dramatic way captures the world's attention."  

Chinese Cinema 100: Art, Politics, and Commerce, April 24-26, 2008

USC political scientist Stanley Rosen and City University of New York media culture specialist Zhu Ying organized this USC conference, which grew out of an edited book that will be published by Chinese University of Hong Kong Press next year. Sponsored by the USC East Asian Studies Center and School of Cinematic Arts and underwritten by a grant from the Freeman Foundation, the conference brought together scholars and film executives as well as two prominent filmmakers, Li Yang, an independent filmmaker, and Feng Xiaogang, China's box office superstar director. One of Li's films, Blind Shaft, and two of Feng's films, Banquet and Assembly, were screened.

 People's Daily 人民日报, "Feng Xiaogang speaks in America on film: Today, film directing is the least needed skill,"  April 27, 2008

 World Journal 世界日报, "Feng Xiaogang criticizes Forbidden Kingdom," April 27, 2008

Eastday 东方新娱乐, "Feng Xiaogang's humor reaches Los Angeles audience, he now wants to make a disaster epic," April 28, 2008. (This story was also picked up by the Chinese Movie Database.)
Voice of America 美国之音, "Chinese films entering the American market face challenges," April 28, 2008

NPR Morning Edition, April 28, 2008

A website created by Hua Hui, a graduate student at the USC Viterbi School of Engineering, was featured in a story on restaurant mapping websites. Hui created, a Chinese-language site with reviews plotted on maps of major metro areas around the country. However, many people won¹t find their favorite Chinese restaurants on the maps, the story stated. "[T]he Chinese restaurant for Chinese here, and the Chinese restaurant for non-Chinese, is kind of totally different," Hui said. "That¹s why Chinese people need a Web site for themselves."

New York Times, April 29, 2008

 "Tibet: What's Really Happening? How to Respond?," an event sponsored by the USC Office of Religious Life, the Center for International Studies, the School of Cinematic Arts and the Annenberg School of Communication on Tuesday, April 22, was described in a New York Times article. A Tibetan monk from the exile community spoke at the event and his views were challenged by a large and vocal group of students from China. At one point during the event, one student threw a water bottle at the monk, missing him. Officers from the Department of Public Safety removed the student. Minna Jia, a political science graduate student had worked to turn out Chinese students for the event. “Before I came here, I’m very liberal,.. [b]ut after I come here, my professor told me that I’m nationalist.... I believe in democracy, but I can’t stand for someone to criticize my country using biased ways. You are wearing Chinese clothes and you are using Chinese goods.”  Another graduate student, Jasmine Dong told the Times, “We’ve been smothered for too long time....  We are still neglected or misunderstood as either brainwashed or manipulated by the government.” Chou Wu, a doctoral student in material science said, “We thought Western media is very objective and what it turned out is that Western media is even more biased than Chinese media. They’re no better, and even more, they’re against us.”  A fourth graduate student, Spring Zheng, said her patriotism and that of others came from having "witnessed with our own eyes about the rapid change of China. China is developing fast, and Chinese people’s lives [are] becoming better and better, fast.”

The Age (Australia), April 29, 2008


Daniel Lynch, a member of the USCI steering committee and a professor of international relations,  was quoted about Chinese nationalist sentiment surrounding the upcoming Olympic Games in Beijing. The rhetorical war waged in the Chinese state media and on the Internet is an arrogant declaration by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) -- not the Chinese public -- that no one has a right to question its handling of Tibet, and this is seriously damaging China¹s global reputation, Lynch said. "The CCP and the nationalists who support it are in the process of ruining the Olympics for China."



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