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USC and China in the News, January and February 2009

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February 24, 2009: Los Angeles Times

Clayton Dube of the USC U.S.-China Institute was quoted in a story about the reverse brain drain involving Chinese émigrés returning home. The Chinese government is eager to coax more of those living abroad back to China in the next few years.  “They want to send a positive message that the government is forward-thinking” by looking overseas for help, Dube explained. “That’s the political and public relations side of it. Then there’s a real recognition that moving forward, you’re going to need these folks.”

Xinhua published a Chinese version of the story on Feb. 26.
February 19, 2009: World Journal
Clayton Dube of the USC U.S.-China Institute was interviewed about the importance and content of Hillary Clinton's visit to China. Dube noted that cooperation between the U.S. and China was vital on several issues, beginning with the economic crisis. Dube noted that Clinton intends to also discuss human rights concerns and possible cooperation with the Chinese on global warming.
February 19, 2009: KSCI Ch. 18
A USC U.S.-China Institute presentation on Soong Mayling (Song Meiling) was featured in the station’s evening newscast. Clayton Dube of the Institute was interviewed and noted that Soong, wife of Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek, greatly influenced the perception of China in the U.S. Biographer Laura Tyson Li told of Soong’s education in the U.S. and how she became the first Chinese to address both houses of Congress. Soong and Chiang were named couple of the year by Time in 1937.
February 16, 2009: KCRW To the Point
Mike Chinoy of the USC Annenberg School of Communication and the Pacific Council on International Policy was interviewed on the "reporter's notebook" segment of the show about Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's trip to China. He noted that the Bush Administration did not focus on Asia and that U.S.-China relations were largely left to Sec. of the Treasury Henry Paulson.
February 15, 2009: CNN International
In an interview, USC Annenberg School of Communication's Mike Chinoy discussed Hillary Clinton's trip to China. Chinoy stressed that Clinton had previously criticized the Bush administration's focus on economic issues in the U.S.-China relationship. He also discussed the effort to get Japan and South Korea to work cooperatively with the U.S. on halting the North Korean nuclear weapons program.

February 13, 2009: The Chroncile of Higher Education

An article highlighted an agreement between USC and Peking University in China establishing collaboration in the areas of gerontology, social work, education, and policy planning. The partnership grew out of a consortium, created in 2006, of social-science deans from the University of Southern California who were interested in working in China, according to the story. Now, as universities begin competing for students and capital, student services is emerging as an important selling point, creating a demand for degree programs for this new field, the story stated. "Student-affairs professionals in China really have to learn by doing," said Mark Robison of the USC Rossier School of Education, who directs its Asia Pacific Rim International Study Experience program. The Rossier School has already sent two professors to teach courses at Peking University and will assist in the development of a homegrown program, according to the story.

February 13, 2009: China News

USC U.S.-China Institute Associate Director Clayton Dube was quoted in a widely reprinted story about Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's trip to East Asia. Dube indicated that while major agreements or breakthroughs were unlikely, the trip carries enormous symbolic value, signaling the importance the new administration places on U.S.-East Asia ties and on working cooperatively to address critical economic and environmental challenges.  

February 13, 2009: Voice of America

An article highlighted John Kamm’s presentation at the USC U.S.-China Institute. Kamm heads the Duihua Foundation. Kamm described his experiences as a businessperson seeking to improve human rights conditions in China. He was quoted, “You can reach your aims by working respectfully with Chinese officials rather than seeking to humiliate them publicly.” Kamm has helped get many prisoners out of jail, but he won’t sign open letters or petitions. Instead he meets one on one with officials, bringing lists of prisoners with him and asking for their help in getting information about them. Titus Chen, a USC postdoctoral researcher, complained that the U.S. had not participated in the recent United Nations review of China’s human rights record. He noted that a combination of public and private efforts are more effective than just one or the other. 

February 7, 2009: Voice of America

A presentation by Shen Dingli, head of the Fudan University Center for American Studies and a USC U.S.-China Institute visiting scholar, was highlighted. Shen said that China would continue to protest U.S. arms sales to Taiwan, but would be pragmatic and would focus on addressing pressing economic issues. Shen expressed concern about American complaints that China manipulated its currency, but noted that Presidents Obama and Hu were resolved to focus on other issues. Shen noted that the Bush administration was well-regarded in China for its China policies

February 2, 2009: Xinhua News Agency (新华网) and People’s Daily (人民日报)

USC hosted the annual Southern California Chinese Students and Scholars Association celebration of the lunar new year. More than 150 attended from area schools. Ten speakers from USC, UCLA, California State University, and other schools addressed the gathering, talking about their research in a number of fields including sciences, engineering, social sciences, and humanities. Li Yaosheng, education consul of the Chinese consulate, and Ye Xiangdong, science and technology consul of the Chinese consulate also addressed the group. Musical performances closed the program.

The People’s Daily article noted USC trustee and Cogent Systems’ founder Ming Hsieh’s (谢明) participation and that Baizhu Chen (陈百助) of the USC Marshall School of Business (and a member of the U.S.-China Institute executive committee spoke on efforts to resolve the world economic crisis. Yonggang Li (郦永刚) of the USC Department of Geology spoke on recent earthquakes in China and California. Yan Xiao (肖岩) of the USC Viterbi School of Engineering spoke on using bamboo as a modern construction material.

February 1, 2009: Global Times

The Beijing Olympics conference organized by the USC U.S.-China Institute, the Center on Public Diplomacy, and the Center for International Studies was discussed. Specialists argued that the Chinese government achieved one of its aims for the Games, that of enhancing the country's image. USC postdoctoral scholar Titus Chen thought that one of the Games' propaganda effect was reduced criticism and more communication with foreign leaders. Cornell's Xu Xin stressed that China wanted the Games to promote a new world order where countries respect and tolerate each others' differences.

February 1, 2009: Voice of America

Scholars speaking at the USC conference on the impact of the Beijing Olympics concluded that the Games did enhance China's image. Some argued that the Chinese authorities also found that foreign criticism lead to policy changes and actions on Darfur that improved China's image. Jay Wang of the USC Annenberg School of Communication, USC postdoctoral scholar Titus Chen, Shen Dingli of Fudan University, Barry Sanders, leader of the Southern California Olympic Committee, Xu Xin of Cornell, and Jeffrey Wasserstrom of UC Irvine were among those cited in the article. Jay Wang noted that the success of the Olympics raises people's expectations about the ability of the government to meet the challenges they experience everyday.

February 1, 2009: China News via

This article noted the Beijing Olympics conference was sponsored by the USC Center on Public Diplomacy, the U.S.-China Institute, and the Center for International Studies and that the conference featured American and Chinese scholars. Presenters, including Shen Dingli of Fudan University's Center for American Studies, described the event as reflecting an increase in China's "soft power." The participation of Barry Sanders, chair of the Southern California Olympic Committee, as well as two of USC's Olympians, Janet Evans (four gold medals) and Larsen Jensen (two medals) was also highlighted.

January 4, 2009:China Economic Information Network

In an article on the financial crisis, a Washington Watch interview with USC political scientist Stanley Rosen was cited. He said the financial crisis hit Europe and America hard, but that China was in a better position. According to Rosen, this permits the Chinese to take the initiative in non-economic areas as well. At the same time, he noted that some countries signal the limits of their tolerance, by threatening to level anti-dumping charges against the Chinese.

February 2009: Hot Chalk

The USC Rossier School was highlighted and Dean Karen Symms Gallagher was quoted about trends in Chinese education. This summer a group of Shanghai high school English instructors and principals will visit the prestigious USC to take classes on English-teaching methods, as well as work on graduate degrees at the Rossier School, the story stated. “They believe that understanding English will help spark more creativity,” Gallagher said. Chinese educational administrators believe that a beneficial ripple effect will follow if their teachers are fluent in English and understand U.S. culture, she added. 

January 31, 2009: SingTao Daily via

Mike Chinoy of USC Annenberg and the Pacific Council on International Policy was among the speakers at a UCLA conference on U.S.-China relations. Chinoy noted that to maintain stable relations, the U.S. must begin by recognizing there are issues the Chinese government considers extremely sensitive. Chinoy reminded the audience of the passions aroused in 1999 when the U.S. bombed the Chinese embassy in Serbia and more recently when students took to the streets to condemn foreign protests during the Olympic torch relay.

January 22, 2009: World Journal (世界日报)

The $567,388 grant from the Freeman Foundation to the USC U.S.-China Institute was reported. Clayton Dube, associate director of the Institute, said the grant underwrites a program that has already trained teachers who are currently working with 50,000 California students. The article noted the program includes a 40 hour seminar and weekend workshops on topics such as East Asian Visual Cultures and Human Rights in Asia. Teachers completing the program can receive continuing education credit.

January 22, 2009: People's Daily (人民日报)

USC political scientist Stanley Rosen was quoted in a story about the popularity of film comedies in this time of global economic turmoil. Rosen noted that film-going is relatively cheap compared to other forms of entertainment. Films allow people to forget their troubles.

January 9, 2009: Tsinghua University News (清华新闻网)

Kai Hwang (黄铠) of the USC Viterbi School of Engineering, delivered a keynote address "Challenges Confronting Students for China to become an information giant."  Hwang discussed trends in the field and the role of academia in meeting economic needs. Hwang told the largely science and engineering audience that it was important not to neglect social sciences and cultural studies.

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