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Islam in China

December 3, 2014

A one-day workshop for K-12 educators

Images of East Asia

December 3, 2014

A one-day workshop for K-12 educators

Asia in the US and California Educational Standards

December 3, 2014

Unlike many countries, the United States does not have a government mandated curriculum, nor mandatory performance or content standards or assessme

Spring 2012 "East Asia since 1800" Seminar at UTLA

December 3, 2014

Professional development opportunity open to interested K-12 educators

Spring 2012 "East Asia from Origins to 1800" Seminar at Pasadena

December 3, 2014

Professional development opportunity open to interested K-12 educators.

2012 Summer Study Tour to China and Taiwan Announcement

December 3, 2014

Information about 2012 NCTA Summer Study Tour to China and Taiwan.

2010 NCTA/NAHF Summer Study Tour to Korea

December 3, 2014

Application submissions must be postmarked on or before Monday, March 1, 2010.

2010 California NCTA Summer Study Tour to China, Hong Kong and Taiwan

December 3, 2014

Application submissions must be postmarked on or before Monday, March 1, 2010.
