2017 Shanghai Summer Immersion Program
The NYU Shanghai Chinese Language Program is a 9-week summer program that enables students to learn two semesters of material and to earn eight NYU Shanghai credits. This program is geared towards students who are serious about studying Chinese language in a totally immersive environment. This rigorous, demanding, and rewarding language program allows students to have first-hand experience in using Chinese in real world situations as well as studying and practicing it in the classroom. To ensure effective teaching and learning, classes are capped at 10 students. On weekday afternoons, students can participate in cultural activities such as Tai Chi, Chinese calligraphy, Chinese cooking, and more. Dates: May 31, 2017 - July 28, 2017 Cultural Trip to Beijing: June 27, 2017 to June 30, 2017.
More information can be found here.
NYU Shanghai also offers full term study away programs. Information on full term study abroad can be found here.