Contact Information
Assistant Professor of Finance and Business Economics
USC Marshall School of Business
Phone: (213) 740-7650
- Ph.D., Columbia Business School, Finance, 2010
- M.A., Renmin University of China, Finance & Economics, 2005
- B.A., Renmin University of China, Management, 2001
Yongxiang Wang is a financial economist whose main work is about how corruption and politics affect resource allocation and efficiency. To this end, he has studied a range of prominent social, economic and political phenomena in China, including privatization, business groups, workplace safety, the death ceiling program, Sino-Japanese conflict, fellow selection at the China Academy of Science, air pollution, and the Sent-down Youth program during the Cultural Revolution. He has published in top economics, finance and strategy journals, including JPE, ReStud, AEJ: Applied, JLEO, RFS, JFE, Administrative Science Quarterly, and Management Science.
Selected Publications:
Access to Migration for Rural Households (with C. Kinnan and S. Wang), Forthcoming American Economic Journal: Applied Economics
Something in the Air: Pollution and the Demand for Health Insurance (with T. Chang and W. Huang), Forthcoming Review of Economic Studies.
The Effect of Mandatory CSR disclosure on Firm Profitability and Social Externalities: Evidence from China (with Y. Chen and M. Hung), Forthcoming Journal of Accounting and Economics
Social Ties and Favoritism in Chinese Science (with R. Fisman, J. Shi and R. Xu) Forthcoming, Journal of Political Economy --- See "It's whom you know that counts" for a review at Science
The distortionary effects of incentives in government: Evidence from China's "death ceiling" program, (with R. Fisman), Forthcoming, American Economic Journal: Applied Economics ---New York Times (Previously circulated as "The Economics of Death Ceilings" ) --- The Economist
The Dynamics of Political Embeddedness in China, (with H. Haveman, N. Jia and J. Shi) (Forthcoming Administrative Science Quarterly)
The mortality cost of political connections (with R. Fisman), 2015. Review of Economic Studies ---See Harvard Business Review for a summary of the research, "The Unsafe Side of Chinese Crony Capitalism" --- Businessweek WSJ NBER Digest
Corruption in Chinese privatizations, (with R. Fisman), 2015, Journal of Law, Economics and Organization --- See China Business News Daily for a summary of the research
Nationalism and economic exchange: Evidence from shocks to Sino-Japanese relations, (with R. Fisman and Y. Hamao), 2014, Review of Financial Studies ---See Caixin for a summary of the research
Coinsurance within Business Groups: Evidence from Related Party Transactions in an Emerging Market, 2013 (with N. Jia and J. Shi), Management Science (Business Strategy Department)
Estimating the value of connections to Vice-President Cheney, (with D. Fisman, R. Fisman, J. Galef and R. Khurana), 2012, B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy (:Advances)
Going (more) public: Institutional Isomorphism and Ownership Reform among Chinese Firms, (with H. Haveman), 2012, Management and Organization Review
When Managers Can't Commit: Capital Structure under Inalienable Managerial Entrenchment, (with C. Thomas), 2011, Economics Letters
Trading favors within Chinese business groups, (with R. Fisman), American Economic Review (Papers&Proceedings), 2010. 2. Profiting from government stakes in a command economy: Evidence from Chinese asset sales, (with C. Calomiris and R. Fisman), Journal of Financial Economics 2010.
Investment with Restricted Stock and the Value of Information, (with WX Wu), Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2005.
Honors and Awards:
- National Science Foundation Grant (with Ray Fisman) ($579,355)
- LUSK center research Grant, 2015-2016 ($10,000)
- Zumberge Fund Individual Grant, 2015-2016 ($24,975)
- Australian Research Council Grant ($200,000), 2015-2018 (with Jing Shi and Tom Smith)
- China National Science Foundation grant ($50,000), 2014-2017, (with Rong Xu)
- LUSK center research Grant, 2013-2014 ($13,200) (with John Bai)
- Shanghai Stock Exchange Senior Visiting Financial Expert (with George Gao and Paul Gao), 2012-2013 (total grant: $60,000 )
- The Economic and Social Research Council grant (with Elaine Liu and Shing-Yi Wang), 2012-2013 (total grant: $430,000)
- Emerging Markets Institute grant (with George Gao and Paul Gao), 2012-2013 ($14,000)
- USC-China Institute Grant, 2012 ($5,000)
- CIBER faculty research grant, 2011 ($2,000)
- CIBER summer research grant (2007 & 2008, $5,000)
- Columbia University Fellowship (2005—2009)
- Columbia Business School Dissertation Fellowship (2009-2010)