Zongyi Zhang is currently a Ph.D. candidate in the division of Cultural Studies in the Chinese University of Hong Kong. His research interests include new media and digital culture, digital platform studies and digital creative industries in China. His current studies focus on how video streaming platforms are mingled with other social institutions/industries in the Chinese society as well as how China’s video streaming platforms expand into oversea markets and underlying challenges.
- Media Entertainment in Platform Age: Creators, Governance and Infrastructuralization of Video Streaming Platforms in China.
Publications in progress
- Infrastructuralization of Tik Tok: Transformation, Power Relationships and platformization of video entertainment in China.
- Tik Tok “Going Out”: Controversies, Strategies and Tensions in the Globalization of China’s Digital Platforms.
Industry Review
- Zongyi Zhang, From “Live Streaming Plus” to “Plus Live Streaming”. Tenyun, Tencent Social Research Institute, 22 March, 2018.
Conference Presentations
- “Promise and Paradox of Platform: Uncertainties in Tik Tok’s Aspirations for Public Value”, NCA Shenzhen Forum, Shenzhen University, June 27-29, 2019.
- “Promise and Paradox of Platform: Uncertainties in Tik Tok’s Aspirations for Public Value”, The 17th Chinese Internet Research Conference, National University of Singapore, June 28, 2019.
- “Empower the Public: Infrastructuralization of Wechat and Its Challenges”, Communication University of China, Beijing, Mar 29-30, 2019.
- “Network Connectivity: Hopes and Predicament of Live Streaming Industries in China”, “Social Technology, User Community and Cultural Knowledge”, U40 Conference, Curtin University, Australia, Feb 20-23, 2018.
- “Network Connectivity: Hopes and Predicament of Live Streaming Industries in China”, Qsinghua Cultural and Creative Industry Forum, Qsinghua University, Nov 18-19, 2018.
- “Online Celebrity3.0 and Its Future: Affective Labor, Relationship Economy and Black Mirror Times”, “Digital Media and Industry Innovation”, Shenzhen International Communication conference, June17-18, 2017.