- PhD Candidate. Maker Movement and Creative Industries in China, Monash University
- MA in Cultural and Creative Industries Management, Tongji University, Shanghai
- International Study Experience
- MA in Media and Communication, Tamkang University, Taiwan (Exchange, Non-degree).
- MA in Digital Media Marketing, EMLYON Business School (Exchange, Non-degree).
- BA in Literature, Shanghai Ocean University
- Pengfei. F (2019) Maker Movement in China, From Deceptive to Disruptive, Cultural and Technology. (forthcoming)
- Successfully presented a paper at 2018 cultural & Technological Innovation Symposium held on 25th October 2018 at Shenzhen University, China.
- Paper presented at the 2019 ASEAN Academic Network International Conference on Media and Cultural Studies held on 01-02 February in Kuching, Malaysia
- Paper presentation at the U40 China-Australia Symposium held on 20th February 2019 at Curtin University.
- Paper presented at the International postgraduate workshop on creative labour in East Asia and Beyond held by University of Amsterdam from 16-18 May 2019.
- Paper accepted by the 27th AMIC Annual Conference to be held at Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok, Thailand on 17-19 June 2019.
Work Experience
- Account Coordinator, RedBridge Communications