1. BA, Russian Language, Communication University of China, 2016
2. Exchange Student, Journalism, Moscow State University, 2014-2015
3. MA, Journalism, Renmin University of China, 2018
4. PhD candidate, Broadcast Journalism, Renmin University of China, expected in 2022
5. Visiting Scholar, Public Diplomacy, University of Southern California, 2019-2020
Research Areas:
China’s Public Diplomacy; Cultural Diplomacy; Cultural Relations; International Broadcasting; International Exchanges.
Articles Published:
1. Zhong, X. & Cui, C. (2018). Dialogic Mode of Journalistic Diplomacy: Changes to the Press Salons of All-China Journalists Association in the Last Decade. Public Diplomacy Quarterly, 2, 25-32.
2. Zhong, X. & Cui, C. (2019). Rationalization and Competitiveness of Chinese Media Going Global: Dialogue with Daya Thussu. International Communication, 6, 22-24.
3. Zhong, X. & Cui, C. (2019). Media Convergence and Credibility: Analysis of the Finalists of the 29th China News Awards under Media Convergence Category. The Press, 13, 33-35.
Conference Presentation:
Cui, C. (2018, October). Multi-level Gate-keeping in International Communication: Putin’s Inauguration Ceremony Coverage by Russia’s First Channel and Its Transmission in CIS Countries. Paper presented at the Annual Convention of the Chinese Association for History of Journalism and Communication (CAHJC). Hangzhou, China.
Reports Published:
1. Cui, C. (2016).Traveling in Israel on the Sabbath. Esquire Wechat Account.
2. Sasha. (2016). How Does a Cartoonist Dissect the World. Esquire Wechat Account.
3. Sasha C. (2017). Outgoing Ambassador Baucus: I love China, Ambassador to China is the best job I’ve ever had. US Embassy Weibo Account.
4. Sasha C. (2017). New U.S. Ambassador to China Made His Debut in Beijing.US Embassy Weibo Account.
5. Cui, C. & Chen, X. (2018). Grains, Leaves & the Power of Humor. China Daily, 1&15.
6. Cui, C. & Chen, X. (2018). The Secret Life of a Shadow in the Spotlight. China Daily, 15.
7. Cui, C. & Chen, X. (2018). When Laughter Is No Laughing Matter. China Daily, 15.
8. Cui, C. (2018). Candid Camera: Baby Panda. China Daily, 2.
9. Cui, C. (2018). Farewell to Ambassador of People’s Republic of China to the Kingdom of Belgium. China Daily Weibo Account.
10. Cui, C. (2018). Chinese Lanterns Light the EU Open Day. China Daily Weibo Account.
11. Cui, C. (2020).Chinese Are More Impressed By Japan's Response To The Coronavirus Than America's. USC US China Institute News