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Somewhere Between

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Somewhere Between

Gehui Zhang reviews Somewhere Between, directed by Linda Goldstein Knowlton (2013, 88 minutes)

Somewhere Between is a film about seeking: four teenage girls adopted from China seek to reconnect with their birth families and Chinese identities; seek to explore the unknown chapter of their earlier lives before the adoption; and seek to answer the essential, and sometimes difficult, questions shared among many internationally adopted children: “Who am I, and why am I here?”

Fang (Jenni), Haley, Jenna, and Ann are four Chinese girls adopted by American families at a young age. Director Linda Goldstein Knowlton closely follows their unusual life journeys as they search for their pre-adoption lives and attempt to re-engage with their Chinese identities. In front of the camera, these teenage girls describe from their own points of view how they make sense of being adopted Chinese children in American society and how their biological and cultural linkage with China may have impacted the way they connect with others and understand themselves.

read more | trailer | website
edited by cchen on 4/9/2015