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U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission, "Hearing: China’s Military Modernization and Cross-strait Balance," September 15, 2005

September 15, 2005
Room 385 Russell Building
Delaware and Constitution Avenues, NE
Washington , DC 20510

co-Chairs: Commissioners Stephen Bryen (Taiwan), Thomas Donnelly (Military-Defense), and Chairman Dick D’Amato

Commissioner Thomas Donnelly
Chairman C. Richard D'Amato
Vice Chairman Roger Robinson

Panel I: Congressional Perspectives
Representative Rob Simmons (R-CT)

PPanel II: Administration Perspectives
Mr. James Keith, Senior Advisor for East Asia and Pacific Affairs, Department of State, Washington, DC

Panel III: China’s Military Modernization and Force Deployments
Rear Admiral Eric McVadon, USN (Retired), Director, Asia-Pacific Studies, Institute of Foreign Policy Analysis, Washington, DC
Dr. Laurent Murawiec, Sr. Fellow, Hudson Institute, Washington, DC
Dr. Joan Johnson-Freese, Chair, National Security Decision Making Dept., Naval War College, Newport, RI
Mr. Dennis Blasko, Independent Consultant, Atlantic Beach, FL

Panel IV: U.S. Force Posture in the Pacific
Dr. Roger Cliff, Sr. Analyst, International and Security Policy, RAND, Arlington, VA
Dr. James Mulvenon, Director for Advanced Studies, Center for Intelligence Research and Analysis, Washington, DC
Kurt Campbell, Director International Security Program, Center for Strategic and International Studies, Washington, DC

Panel V: Taiwan’s Self-Defense Needs and Risks to the United States
Mr. Dan Blumenthal, Resident Fellow, American Enterprise Institute, Washington, DC
Dr. Thomas J. Christensen, Professor of Politics and International Affairs, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ
Mr. Fu S. Mei, Editor, Director, Taiwan Security Analysis Center (TAISAC), NYC, NY
Dr. Adam Cobb, Associate Professor, Dept. of Warfighting Strategy, USAF Air War College, Montgomery, AL

Panel VI: How Are Evolving Political, Economic and Social Realities Affecting the Cross-strait Balance?
Dr. Richard Bush, Senior Researcher, The Brookings Institution, Washington, DC
Mr. Merritt T. (Terry) Cooke, Managing Director, G3C Strategy, Bryn Mawr, PA
Dr. Vincent Wei-cheng Wang, Dept. of Political Science, University of Richmond, Richmond, VA

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