Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Room 124 Dirksen Senate Office Building
First Street and Constitution Avenue, NE
Washington, DC 20510
Hearing Co-Chairs: Commissioners Robin Cleveland and Jeffrey L. Fiedler
Panel I: Congressional Perspective
Representative Chris Smith (R), New Jersey’s 4th District
Panel II: Security and Exchange Commission Perspectives
Paul M. Dudek, Chief, Office of International Corporate Finance, Division of Corporation Finance, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, Washington, DC
Panel III: Information for Investors
Mr. Peter M. Friedman, Attorney, New York, NY
Mr. James V. Feinerman, Professor, Georgetown University Law School, Washington, DC
Panel IV: China’s “State Secret” Laws
Mr. Gordon G. Chang, Author and Columnist, Bedminster, NJ
Mr. Mitchell Silk, Partner, Allen & Overy LLP, New York, NY
Panel V: The Internet and Baidu
Ms. Rebecca MacKinnon, Schwartz Senior Fellow, New America Foundation, Washington, DC
Ms. Rebecca Fannin, Author, “Silicon Dragon,” New York, NY
U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission, "Hearing: China’s Information Control Practices and the Implications for the United States," June 30, 2010