Thursday, March 13, 2014
328A Russell Senate Office Building
2 Constitution Ave NE
Washington, DC 20002
Hearing Co-Chairs: Commissioner Peter Brookes and Commissioner Jeffrey L. Fiedler
Good morning, and welcome to the third hearing of the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission’s 2014 Annual Report cycle. This hearing will explore the evolving security dynamics in Asia and the effects of this changing environment on the United States. We will address how Northeast Asia, Southeast Asia, and Oceania are responding to China’s rise and consider what implications follow for U.S. alliances and partnerships in the region.
We’ll begin by taking a broad look at China’s grand strategy in the Asia-Pacific. We’ve asked our witnesses on the first panel to discuss the impact of China’s rise on the security dynamics in East Asia.
The second panel will focus on security dynamics in Northeast Asia and implications for the United States. After our lunch break, the third panel will conclude this hearing with a discussion on security dynamics in Southeast Asia and implications for the United States. Before we introduce our guests for the first panel, let me take a moment to thank the Senate Agriculture Committee, Chairperson Debbie Stabenow, and her staff for securing this room for us today. I’d also like to remind our witnesses to keep remarks to 7 minutes so that we have time for our question-and-answer session.
Panel I: China’s Grand Strategy in Asia
Dr. Robert Sutter, Professor, Elliott School of International Affairs, George Washington University
Ms. Bonnie Glaser, Senior Adviser for Asia, Freeman Chair in China Studies, Center for Strategic and International Studies
Panel II: Security Dynamics in Northeast Asia and Implications for the United States
Mr. James Schoff, Senior Associate, Asia Program, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Dr. Jennifer Lind, Associate Professor, Department of Government, Dartmouth College
Panel III: Security Dynamics in Southeast Asia and Oceania and Implications for the United States
Mr. Walter Lohman, Director, Asian Studies Center, Heritage Foundation
Dr. Ely Ratner, Senior Fellow and Deputy Director, Asia-Pacific Security Program, Center for a New American Security
U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission, "Hearing: China and the Evolving Security Dynamics in East Asia (Webcast)," March 13, 2014