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C. Cindy Fan, University of California, Los Angeles


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C. Cindy Fan is a Professor in the UCLA Geography Department and Professor and Chair of the UCLA Department of Asian American Studies.  Her research interests center on the regional and social dimensions of transitional economies, focusing specifically on labor migration, gender and migration, regional policy and inequality, and the urban system in China.  Her research has been funded by four National Science Foundation grants and an award from the Luce Foundation.  She has published more than fifty refereed articles, in leading disciplinary journals such as Annals of the Association of American Geographers, Economic Geography and Political Geography, and in international and interdisciplinary journals such as International Migration ReviewEnvironment and Planning A and International Journal of Urban and Regional Research.  Her book, entitled China on the Move: Migration, the State, and the Household, will be published by Routledge in late 2007.  She is an editor of Regional Studies and a senior contributing editor of Eurasian Geography and Economics, and she is on the editorial board of China: An International Journal; Geographical Analysis; and Social Science Quarterly.