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Video: Ryan Pyle on his journey around China

The USC U.S.-China Institute hosted a talk with Ryan Pyle at USC Annenberg on February 21, 2013.

Born in Toronto, Canada, Ryan Pyle spent his early years close to home. After obtaining a degree in International Politics from the University of Toronto in 2001, Ryan realized a life long dream and traveled to China on an exploratory mission. In 2002 Ryan moved to China permanently and in 2003 began taking freelance newspaper and magazine assignments. In 2004 Ryan became a regular contributor to the New York Times. In 2009 Ryan was listed by PDN Magazine as one of the top 30 emerging photographers in the world. In 2010 Ryan, with his brother Colin, produced and directed a documentary film about their 65 day – 18,000km - Guinness World Record breaking motorcycle journey around China, which will air in April 2013 on the Travel Channel. Ryan Pyle is an award winning photographer, television presenter, filmmaker and author. Ryan is based full time in Shanghai, China.

Click here to read "The Middle Kingdom Ride: 2 Brothers, 2 Motorcycles, 1 Epic Adventure in China," a featured interview on US-China Today on Ryan and Colin Pyle's 65 days, 20,000 km motorcycle ride around China.



This video is also available on the USCI YouTube Channel.