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For other articles and documents on the relationship between China and Latin America, click here.
Dr. Kevin P. Gallagher is an associate professor of international relations at Boston University, where he directs the Global Development Policy Program. He is also senior researcher at the Global Development and Environment Institute, Tufts University.
Professor Gallagher is the author of The Dragon in the Room: China and the Future of Latin American Industrialization, with Roberto Porzecanski (Stanford University Press, 2010); The Enclave Economy: Foreign Investment and Sustainable Development in Mexico's Silicon Valley, with Lyuba Zarsky (MIT Press, 2007); Free Trade and the Environment: Mexico, NAFTA, and Beyond (Stanford University Press, 2004); and editor of Putting Development First: The Importance of Policy Space in the WTO and IFIs (Zed Books, 2005).
He has served as visiting or adjunct professor at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University; Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government; El Colegio de Mexico in Mexico, and Tsinghua University in China.
He currently serves on the investment subcommittee of the US Department of State’s of the Advisory Committee on International Economic Policy, and the US Environmental Protection Agency’s National Advisory Committee for Mexico. Professor Gallagher writes regular columns on global economic and development policy for The Guardian, Financial Times, and POLITICO.
Other articles and documents on the relationship between China and Latin America:
China's Policy Paper on Latin America and the Caribbean | China’s Foreign Aid Activities in Africa, Latin America, and Southeast Asia