Japan in the California History and Social Sciences Standards
Grade 7 || Grade 10 || Grade 11 || Grade 12
7.3 Students analyze the geographic, political, economic, religious, and social structures of the civilizations of China in the Middle Ages in terms of:
1. the reunification of China under the Tang Dynasty and reasons for the spread of Buddhism in Tang China, Korea, and Japan
7.5 Students analyze the geographic, political, economic, religious, and social structures of the civilizations of Medieval Japan, in terms of:
1. the significance of Japan’s proximity to China and Korea and the intellectual, linguistic, religious and philosophical influence of those countries on Japan
2. the reign of Prince Shotoku of Japan and the characteristics of Japanese society and family life
3. the values, social customs, and traditions prescribed by the lord-vassal system consisting of shogun, daimyo and samurai and the lasting influence of the warrior code in the 20th century
4. the development of distinctive forms of Japanese Buddhism
5. the ninth and tenth century golden age of literature, art and drama, and its lasting effects on culture today, including Murasaki Shikibu’s Tale of Genji
6. the rise of a military society in the late twelfth century and the role of the samurai
10.3 Students analyze the effects of the Industrial Revolution in England, France, Germany, Japan and the United States, in terms of:
1. how scientific and technological changes and new forms of energy brought about massive social, economic, and cultural change
2. the growth of population, rural to urban migration and growth of cities associated with the Industrial Revolution
3. the evolution of work and labor, including the demise of the slave trade and effect of immigration, mining and manufacturing, division of labor, and the union movement
4. the connections among natural resources, entrepreneurship, labor and capital in an industrial economy
5. the emergence of capitalism as a dominant economic pattern and the responses to it, including Utopianism, Social Democracy, Socialism, and Communism
10.8 Students analyze the causes and consequences of the Second World War, in terms of:
1. the German, Italian, and Japanese drives for empire in the 1930's, including the 1937 Rape of Nanking and other atrocities in China and the Stalin-Hitler Pact of 1939
2. the human costs of the war, with particular attention to the civilian and military losses in Russia, Germany, Britain, United States, China, and Japan
11.7 Students analyze the American participation in World War II, in terms of:
1. the origins of American involvement in the war, with an emphasis on the events that precipitated the attack on Pearl Harbor
2. United States and Allied wartime strategy, including the major battles of Midway, Normandy, Iwo Jima, Okinawa, and the Battle of the Bulge
3. the decision to drop atomic bombs and the consequences (Hiroshima and Nagasaki )
12.9 Students analyze the origins, characteristics, and development of different political systems across time, with emphasis on the quest for political democracy, its advances and obstacles, in terms of:
1. how the different philosophies and structures of feudalism, mercantilism, socialism, fascism, communism, monarchies, parliamentary systems, and constitutional liberal democracies influence economic policies, social welfare policies and human rights practices
2. the various ways power is distributed, shared, and limited in systems of shared powers and in parliamentary systems, including the influence and role of parliamentary leaders
3. the advantages and disadvantages of federal, confederal, and unitary systems of government
4. the consequences of conditions that gave rise to tyrannies during certain periods applied to at least two countries (e.g., Italy, Japan, Haiti, Nigeria, Cambodia)
5. the successes of relatively new democracies in Africa, Asia and Latin America and the ideas, leaders, and general societal conditions that have launched and sustained or failed to sustain them
12.6 Students analyze issues of international trade, and explain how the U.S. economy affects, and is affected by, economic forces beyond its borders, in terms of:
1. the gains in consumption and production efficiency from trade with emphasis on the main products and changing geographic patterns of twentieth century trade among countries in the Western hemisphere
2. the reasons for and the effect of trade restrictions in the Great Depression compared with the present day arguments among labor, business, and political leaders over the effects of free trade on the economic and social interests of various groups of Americans
3. the changing role of international political borders and territorial sovereignty in a global economy
4. explain foreign exchange, how exchange rates are determined, and the effects of the dollar gaining (or losing) value relative to other currencies a strong or weak dollar