China in the California History and Social Sciences Standards
Grade 6 || Grade 7 || Grade 10 || Grade 11 || Grade 12
GRADE 66.6 Students analyze the geographic, political, economic, religious, and social structures of the early civilizations of China, in terms of:
1. the location and description of the origins of Chinese civilization in the Huang-He Valley Shang dynasty
2. the geographical features of China that made governance and movement of ideas and goods difficult and served to isolate that country from the rest of the world
3. the life of Confucius and the fundamental teachings of Confucianism and Taoism
4. the political and cultural problems prevalent in the time of Confucius and how he sought to solve them
5. the policies and achievements of the emperor Shi Huangdi in unifying northern China under the Qin dynasty
6. the political contributions of the Han dynasty to the development of the imperial bureaucratic state and the expansion of the empire
7. the significance of the trans-Eurasian "silk roads" in the period of the Han and Roman empires and their locations
8. the diffusion of Buddhism northward to China during the Han dynasty7.3 Students analyze the geographic, political, economic, religious, and social structures of the civilizations of China in the Middle Ages in terms of:
1. the reunification of China under the Tang Dynasty and reasons for the spread of Buddhism in Tang China, Korea, and Japan
2. agricultural, technological, and commercial developments during the Tang and Sung periods
3. the influences of Confucianism and changes in Confucian thought during the Sung and Mongol periods
4. the importance of both overland trade and maritime expeditions between China and other civilizations in the Mongol Ascendancy and Ming Dynasty
5. the historic influence of such discoveries as tea, the manufacture of paper, wood block printing, the compass, and gunpowder
6. the development of the imperial state and the scholar-official class7.5 Students analyze the geographic, political, economic, religious, and social structures of the civilizations of Medieval Japan, in terms of:
1. the significance of Japan’s proximity to China and Korea and the intellectual, linguistic, religious and philosophical influence of those countries on Japan
10.4 Students analyze patterns of global change in the era of New Imperialism in at least two of the following regions or countries: Africa, Southeast Asia, China, India, Latin America and the Philippines, in terms of:
1. the rise of industrial economies and their link to imperialism and colonialism (e.g., the role played by national security and strategic advantage; moral issues raised by search for national hegemony, Social Darwinism and the missionary impulse; material issues such as land, resources and technology
2. the location of the colonial rule of such nations as England, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Russia, Spain, Portugal, and the United States
3. imperialism from the perspective of the colonizers and the colonized and the varied immediate and long-term responses by the people under colonial rule
4. the independence struggles of the colonized regions of the world, including the role of leaders, such as Sun Yat-sen in China, and the role of ideology and religion10.8 Students analyze the causes and consequences of the Second World War, in terms of:
1. the German, Italian, and Japanese drives for empire in the 1930's, including the 1937 Rape of Nanking and other atrocities in China and the Stalin-Hitler Pact of 1939
2. the identification and location of the Allied and Axis powers; the major turning points of the war, the principal theaters of conflict, key strategic decisions; and the resulting war conferences and political resolutions with emphasis on the importance of geographic factors
3. the political, diplomatic and military leadership (e.g., biographies of Winston Churchill, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Hirohito, Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, Joseph Stalin, Douglas MacArthur, Dwight Eisenhower)
4. the human costs of the war, with particular attention to the civilian and military losses in Russia, Germany, Britain, United States, China, and Japan10.9 Students analyze the international developments in the post-World War II world, in terms of:
1. the Chinese Civil War, the rise of Mao Tse-tung, and the subsequent political and economic upheavals in China (e.g., the Great Leap Forward, the Cultural Revolution, and the Tiananmen Square uprising) uprisings in Poland (1952), Hungary (1956), and Czechoslovakia (1968) and their resurgence in the 1970's and 1980's as people in Soviet satellites sought freedom from Soviet control
10.10 Students analyze instances of nation-building in the contemporary world in two of the following regions or countries: the Middle East, Africa, Mexico and other parts of Latin America, or China, in terms of:
1. challenges in the region, including its geopolitical, cultural, military, and economic significance and the international relationships in which it is involved
2. the recent history of the region, including the political divisions and systems, key leaders, religious issues, natural features, resources, and population patterns
3. the important trends in the region today and whether they appear to serve the cause of individual freedom and democracy11.4 Students trace the rise of the U.S. to its role as a world power in the 20th century, in terms of:
1. the purpose and the effects of the Open Door policy [towards China -- ed.]
12.9 Students analyze the origins, characteristics, and development of different political systems across time, with emphasis on the quest for political democracy, its advances and obstacles, in terms of:
1. how the different philosophies and structures of feudalism, mercantilism, socialism, fascism, communism, monarchies, parliamentary systems, and constitutional liberal democracies influence economic policies, social welfare policies and human rights practices
2. the various ways power is distributed, shared, and limited in systems of shared powers and in parliamentary systems, including the influence and role of parliamentary leaders
3. the advantages and disadvantages of federal, confederal, and unitary systems of government
4. the consequences of conditions that gave rise to tyrannies during certain periods applied to at least two countries (e.g., Italy, China, Haiti, Nigeria, Cambodia)
5. the successes of relatively new democracies in Africa, Asia and Latin America and the ideas, leaders, and general societal conditions that have launched and sustained or failed to sustain them12.6 Students analyze issues of international trade, and explain how the U.S. economy affects, and is affected by, economic forces beyond its borders, in terms of:
1. the gains in consumption and production efficiency from trade with emphasis on the main products and changing geographic patterns of twentieth century trade among countries in the Western hemisphere
2. the reasons for and the effect of trade restrictions in the Great Depression compared with the present day arguments among labor, business, and political leaders over the effects of free trade on the economic and social interests of various groups of Americans
3. the changing role of international political borders and territorial sovereignty in a global economy
4. explain foreign exchange, how exchange rates are determined, and the effects of the dollar gaining (or losing) value relative to other currencies a strong or weak dollar[Top]