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Event Details
March 30, 2011

Yale-China Association
442 Temple Street
New Haven, CT 06511
United States

Public Talk - New Haven, CT

Yale-China Fireside Chat with Elaine Eng


Elaine Eng, in her new book The Transforming Power of Story: How Telling your Story Brings Hope to Others and Healing to Yourself, reveals vision imparted to her as an undergraduate student at Princeton University by the story of Dr. Edward Hicks Hume, Yale-China's first physician in China. Under Dr. Hume's energetic leadership, Yale-China established Xiangya Hospital in Changsha, Hunan in 1913. As a blind physician, Dr. Eng will discuss her book as well as invite audience members to design narrative venues from their own communities to exhibit the power of storytelling.

Dr. Elaine Leong Eng, a Distinguished Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association, is a graduate of Princeton University and the Albert Einstein College of Medicine. She is currently Clinical Assistant Professor of Psychiatry in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Weill-Cornell Medical College and teaches at the Alliance Theological Seminary's Graduate School of Counseling. Trained in the Lay Ministry Program of Concordia College, Dr. Eng integrates faith, medical and psychological issues to provide mental health education to many audiences. Her book "Martha, Martha": How Christians Worry is a text on anxiety disorders and the church community. Her second book is entitled, A Christian Approach to Overcoming Disability: A Doctor's Story. Dr. Eng serves on the Focus on the Family's Physicians Resource Council and with the Christian Medical and Dental Association.

Moderator: Dr. Barry Wu, Clinical Professor of Medicine, Yale University School of Medicine and Associate Program Director of Internal Medicine, Hospital of Saint Raphael.

Refreshments will be served.

To register, please call 203-432-0884 or email